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Oil Shale Tracts


Plan Of Developments

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Link to the Oil Shale R,D &D Environmental Assessments
Shell Frontier Oil and Gas Inc.   CO-110-2006-117-EA
E.G.L. Resources, Inc.    CO-110-2006-118-EA
CHEVRON USA, Inc.     CO-110-2006-120-EA

Chevron USA Inc.
Oil Shale Test Project
Plan of Operation (5.8 MB)

Shell Frontier Oil and Gas Inc.
Oil Shale Test Project
Plan of Operation (1.8 MB)
Exhibit A - Regional Location Map (80KB)
Exhibit J - Pilot Plan(75 KB)
Exhibit B - General Location Map (15.7MB)
Exhibit K - Cut Fill sections (100 KB)
Exhibit C - Surface Ownership (434 KB)
Exhibit L - Drill Hole Schematic (271KB)
Exhibit D  - Regional Geology (827 KB)
Exhibit M - Drainage Control Plan (2.0 MB)
Exhibit E - RD&D Base Map (1.1 MB)
Exhibit N - Typical Hole Completion (499 KB)
Exhibit F - Strat Column (55KB)
Exhibit O - Surface Hydrology (9.2 MB)
Exhibit G - Geology Map (3.3 MB)
Exhibit P - Ground Water Hydrology (221 KB)
Exhibit H - Type Log (624 KB)
Exhibit Q - Reclamation Map (436 KB)
Exhibit I - Structure Dip Cross-Section (266 KB)
Exhibit R - Environmental Studies (8.8 MB)
2nd Generation In-situ Conversion Process (IPC) Test Project
Plan of Operation (2.0 MB)
Exhibit A - Regional Location Map (80 KB)
Exhibit I - Plot Plan (75 KB)
Exhibit B - General Location Map (248 KB)
Exhibit J - Drill hole Schedule (112 KB) 
Exhibit C - Surface Ownership (232 KB)
Exhibit K - Drainage Control Plan (539 KB) 
Exhibit D - Regional Geology (828 KB)
Exhibit L - Surface Hydrology (290 KB) 
Exhibit E - RD&D Base Map (1.0 MB)
Exhibit M - Ground Water Hydrology (975 KB) 
Exhibit F - Strat Column (55 KB)
Exhibit N - Reclamation Map (1.0 MB) 
Exhibit G - Geology Map (2.7 MB)
Exhibit O - Environmental Studies (11.1 MB) 
Exhibit H - Structure Dip Cross-Section (256 KB)
Electrode In-situ Conversion Process (E-ICP) Test Plan
Plan of Operation (2.1 MB)
Exhibit A - Regional Location Map (79 KB)
Exhibit I - Plot Plan (67 KB)
Exhibit B - General Location Map (3.1 MB)
Exhibit J - Drill hole Schedule (95 KB)
Exhibit C - Surface Ownership (278 KB)
Exhibit K Drainage Control Plan (1.8 MB)
Exhibit D - Regional Geology (824 KB)
Exhibit L - Surface Hydrology (415 KB)
Exhibit E - RD&D Base Map (1.0 MB)
Exhibit M - Ground Water Hydrology (399 KB)
Exhibit F - Strat Column (54 KB)
Exhibit N - Reclamation Map (2.6 MB)
Exhibit G - Geology Map (3.3 MP)
Exhibit O - Environmental studies (326 KB)
Exhibit H - Structure Dip Cross-Section (247 MB)

E.G.L. Resources, Inc.
Oil Shale Test Project
Plan of Operation (1.1 MB)
Appendix E - Heating Fluid Description (648 KB)
Appendix A - Geologic Information (1.7 MB)
Appendix F - Well Completion Drawings (1.0 MB)
Appendix B - Surface Equipment/Layout (452 KB)
Appendix G - Guide to Well Permits (2.1 MB)
Appendix C - Track & ROW Maps (271 KB)
Appendix H - Project Schedule (228 KB)
Appendix D - Technology Description/Diagrams (946 KB)
Appendix I - Site Photos (289 KB)