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BLM>Colorado>Resources>Resource Advisory Councils>Northwest RAC
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Northwest Resource Advisory Council

We are one of three Resource Advisory Councils (RAC) in Colorado appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to represent constituent public land users. The other Colorado RACs are the Southwest RAC and the Front Range RAC.

(See the National RAC Map and Local RAC Map)

Our 15-member council provides advice and recommendations to the Bureau of Land Management's Northwest RAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO) on a wide variety of public land management issues.  Colorado RACs assisted the BLM in developing two important guidelines, BLM Standards for Public Land Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management in Colorado and Recreation Guidelines to Meet Public Land Health Standards on BLM Managed Lands in Colorado.  The Northwest RAC operates on the principle of collaborative decision-making and strives for consensus before making official recommendations.

Our members are appointed through an annual public nomination process to serve staggered three-year terms with one-third of our membership subject to appointment or reappointment each year. We were chartered in 1995 and must be re-chartered every two years.

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS (closes April 13)
Nomination Form
News Release

NEXT MEETING (Agenda under development)
May 28 Browns Park


Aug 20 Meeker
Dec 3 Silt


  Presentations and notes from February 2009 Joint RAC Meeting

For more information about the Northwest RAC, contact:

David Boyd
Public Affairs Specialist

Glenwood Springs Field Office
50629 Hwy. 6 & 24
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Phone: (970) 947-2832

Jamie Connell

Lead DFO

Northwest Colorado District Manager
2815 H Road
Grand Junction, CO  81506
Phone: (970) 244-3000