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Hong Kong Local time: 12:12 PM

Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2009

Date: November 4-6, 2009
* Wednesday and Thursday, November 4 and 5, open to trade only
* Friday, November 6, open to trade & public

Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center

The market in Hong Kong
The wine market in Hong Kong is growing rapidly.  On February 27, 2008, the Hong Kong Government (HKG) abolished its 40% excise duty on wine.  The market has responded favorably to the wine duty exemption.  From March to December 2008, the total value of imported wine reached US$335 million, representing an increase of 82% over the same period in 2007.   Following the wine duty exemption, the per capita wine consumption in Hong Kong reached 3.3 litres, the highest in Asia.

The Hong Kong Government is committed to developing Hong Kong as a regional hub for wine distribution and trading.  Opportunities for U.S. companies include:

  • Wine trading
  • Wine related tourism
  • Training and education on wine appreciation and culture
  • Technology and services related to transportation, storage and display of wine

The Asia market is growing fast:

  • Wine consumption in Asia (exc. Japan) will double and reach US$27 billion by 2017.
  • China and Hong Kong, comprise more than 60% of Asia's wine market, will become the world's 8th largest market.
  • 100 million cases of premium wines in London are owned by China and Hong Kong collectors.

Achievements in Wine Fair 2008:

  • 240 exhibitors from 25 countries and regions
  • 35% exhibitors from Hong Kong and 65% from overseas and Chinese mainland
  • 8,758 trade visitors from 55 countries and regions, 10,096 public visitors
  • Over 90% exhibitors and buyers were satisfied with results in 2008 and would return in 2009

Interested U.S. companies should make use of the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2009 to explore the Hong Kong and Asia markets.

Additional information on the show is available from this web site:

Please fill out the online registration form below if the growing Hong Kong wine market interests you.

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