Press Room


January 5, 1998

Rubin Announces Working Group on Child Care

Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin today announced the members of Treasury's working group on child care. At the White House Conference on Child Care on October 23, President Clinton asked Secretary Rubin to convene a group of business and labor leaders to focus on best practices in the private sector and public-private partnerships which address child care problems facing working parents.

"Today more than ever, businesses are coming to the realization that child care is a core economic issue," said Secretary Rubin. "We hope our efforts will make the business community more aware of child care options that have been employed successfully."

The members are: First Bank of Colorado CEO Doug Price; General Converters & Assemblers President and CEO George Stinson; AFL-CIO President John Sweeney; Eli Lilly and Co. Chairman and CEO Randy Tobias; Travelers Group CEO Sandy Weill; and Marcy Whitebook, national co-director of the Center for the Childcare Workforce.

Other businesses, organizations and individuals interested in contributing to the Department's work on child care should contact Treasury's Office of Business and Public Liaison at (202) 622-1660.

The working group will report back to Secretary Rubin in the spring of 1998. A final report will be made available to businesses interested in learning more about best practices in the child care area.