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City Councilor Rey Garduño

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City Councilor Rey Garduño

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Rey Garduño is progressive in his values, passionate about equality and proven in his service to Albuquerque.

Born and Raised in New Mexico, Rey has lived in District 6 for over 30 years. He has raised his family in District 6, was involved in his son’s schools and ran two local businesses. Rey has spent a lifetime helping to make our community a better place to live and raise our families. Rey is endorsed by progressive leaders from our district and throughout Albuquerque because he has the experience we need and the proven leadership we can trust.

With a long record of civic engagement, Rey knows the value of rolling up your sleeves, getting involved and finding innovative solutions to our city’s challenges. Rey has served in leadership roles with groups addressing open government, planned growth and environmental sustainability, and small business concerns.


Growers Market Study Group

Fromed group to allow growers, market managers, and City departments to sit at the same table to strengthen our local Growers Markets. Goals were to:

  • gain more markets,
  • make it easier for growers to sell their product,
  • produce more local organic food in the City of Albuquerque.

The group formed a Memorandum of Understanding which took steps to achieve the above goals. The Memorandum of Understanding is to be reviewed and strengthened every year.

Gaining City support to reform the 1872 Mining Act.

The 1872 Mining Act represents one of the last remaining public land giveaways, enacted in another era to lure settlers to the West. The law contains no environmental provisions and allows mining companies to conduct their business with little regard for wildlife habitats, water supplies or treasured lands. This resolution supports responsible comprehensive Federal mining law reform that:

  1. establishes commonsense standards to protect clean water;
  2. ends the selling off (patenting) of public lands for mining in perpetuity;
  3. holds mining companies responsible for restoration and reclamation;
  4. restores balance to public lands management;
  5. explicitly gives land managers, with input from local communities, authority to deny mines that cause undue threats to clean water and other values;
  6. provides financial resources for the cleanup of abandoned mines; and
  7. protects highly valued public lands, including wild and scenic rivers, road less national forests, Native American sacred places and wilderness-quality lands from large-scale industrial mining.

Supporting a U.S. Department of Peace and Non-Violence

House Bill 808 (HR 808) in the United States House of Representatives to create a United States Department of Peace and Nonviolence, which has since garnered the co-sponsorship of sixty eight (68) members of the United States House of Representatives. The proposed federal legislation will establish a cabinet-level Department of Peace and Nonviolence, which will be headed by a Secretary of Peace who will advise the President on issues that are both domestic and international in scope. The proposed federal legislation to create a United States Department of Peace and Nonviolence will benefit the City of Albuquerque by holding peace as an organizing principle of American society, which will change the tone of the society and support existing programs and developing new programs that relate to the societal challenges of domestic violence, school violence, gang violence, guns, racial or ethnic violence, violence against gays and lesbians, and police-community relations and disputes, which will assist members of the Albuquerque Police Department in experiencing fewer dangerous encounters.

Allocated $25,000 to the Southeast Team for Entrepreneurial Success, (STEPS)

STEPS serve Albuquerque’s Southeast Heights as small business incubator. STEPS provide free and confidential business advice. The Enterprise Facilitator provides business management coaching in the areas of identifying markets, help in locating financing, business planning and networking with other agencies and resources. To date, 22 new businesses have started or expanded while providing 127 new jobs in the Southeast Heights.

Proven Service to Albuquerque

  • Board Vice President, Common Cause New Mexico
  • Albuquerque T-VI Foundation Board (now known as CNM)
  • Spina Bifida Association of NM Board
  • KIWANIS Club of Albuquerque Board
  • Hispano Chamber of Commerce Board
  • SouthWest Organizing Project Board
  • Planned Parenthood of NM Board
  • All Faiths Receiving Home Board
  • Small Business Owner - Stromberg’s Clothiers & Rey Garduño Photography 

 Councilor Garduño's Appointments

  • Land Use, Planning & Zoning Committee
  • Public Safety Committee - Chair 
  • Albuquerque / Bernalillo County Government Commission 
  • Albuquerque / Bernalillo Water Authority
  • Regional Transit District
  • Accountability in Government Oversight Committee
  • Committee on Guidelines for Negotiations
  • Internal Operations
  • Community Schools
  • Hispano Chamber of Commerce

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