BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Switzerland Local time: 05:07 AM

Useful links

Links to web sites outside the U.S. Government, or the use of trade, firm, or corporation names within U.S. Commercial Service websites are for the convenience of the user. Such links and use do not constitute an express or implied official endorsement or approval by the United States Department of Commerce of any private sector website, or of the products or services of specifically identified companies or of any of the private entities that may have contributed to a U.S. Commercial Service website.

U.S. Government links:

U.S. Embassy Bern:
General information about opening hours, American citizen services, visa information/forms, Commercial Service, studying in the U.S. , U.S. Tourism, living in Switzerland, Swiss country data.

U.S. Mission Geneva:
Information about the U.S. Mission, the United States Trade Representative and the United Nations in Geneva. Contains biographies about U.S. Federal Government Department Secretaries, Geneva Press Releases, Human Rights Reports etc.

U.S. Commercial Service:
Contains directory of Export Assistance Centers in the United States, directory of Commercial Service offices abroad, directory of web sites for Commercial Service offices abroad, e-mail links to Commercial Services offices worldwide. Lists the various programs offered by the Commercial Service.

Iraq Reconstruction Task Force:
Contains information about commercial environment and business opportunities in Iraq.

Trade Information Center:
Contains all Federal Export Assistance Prgrams as well as country and regional market information. It also lists internet sites for export trade leads.

National Trade Data Bank:
Offers subscribers on-line access to more than 300,000 documents covering trade information from more than 20 federal sources. STAT-USA also contains a Newsstand Service which offers to non-subscribers single-purchase access to many of the same reports. Customers can securely use credit card and immediately purchase reports over the Internet.

Showcase Europe:
Developed by the U.S. Commercial Service offices in Europe to promote U.S. exports to Europe. Contains commercial market information on various European countries.

U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM):
Ex-Im helps finance the overseas sales of U.S. goods and services. It provides guarantees of working capital loans for U.S. exporters and guarantees the repayment of loans. It also provides credit insurance against the risk of non-payment by foreign buyers for political reasons. It assumes the risks commercial lenders cannot accept. The homepage lists the various programs offered by Ex-Im, how to apply for Ex-Im financing for medium and long-term loans and guarantees, as well as a country limitation schedule.

Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC):
OPIC, a U.S. Government agency, helps facilitate U.S. business with developing countries. It helps U.S. investors by financing of businesses through loans and loan guarantees and insuring investments against a broad range of political risks.

U.S. Government Printing Office::
Produces and disseminates printed and electronic publications of the Congress as well as the executive departments and establishments of the Federal Government. Index of publications and subscriptions available.

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office::
Grants patents and registers trademarks to qualified applicants - contains a roster with all lawyers registered to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection:
Contains an interactive tariff database which helps to determine the duty rate for a particular product. Provides general customs information for travelers.

Bureau of Export Administration:
Regulations on export restrictions - embargoes - forms needed for export licensing procedures - Denied Persons List and Entity List

Office of Foreign Assets Control:
Trade and financial transaction embargoes and sanctions with specific countries (i.e., Balkans, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Sudan, North Korea)

Food and Drug Administration:
FDA is charged with ensuring that food is safe, pure, and wholesome and that human and animal drugs, biological products, and medical devices are safe and effective.

Swiss Government links:

Federal Customs Administration:
Contains general information on payment of duty and taxes when importing goods into Switzerland as well as a list of duty exemptions and traveler information on bringing in personal possessions such as: cars, food, pets, plants and fruits, arms and munitions, and wine.

Federal Office for Economic Development and Labor:
Information on doing business in Switzerland. Handbood for investors containing information such as investment climate, extablishing a business, financin, taxes, etc. Can be downloaded.

Federal Office for Statistics:
Key data for the country of Switzerland as well as economic and financial data, such as consumer price index, GDP, unemployment rates, etc.

Swiss Federal Communications Commission:
Swiss regulator of telecommuncations - responsible for, among other things, for the assignment of telecommunication licences and the approval of national frequency and numbering plans. Contains text of government decrees concerning telecommuncation services and installations.

Federal Office for Communications:
The licencing agency for communications, equipment and services. Contains information about licencing of telecommunication operators, radio & television, mobile & satellite services, including appliction forms. List of approved telecommunications equipment, technical requirements, frequencies, accredited test laboratories, etc.

Federal Office for Public Health:
Responsible for supervising the enforcement of laws, rules and regulations governing food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products in Switzerland. Contains press releases on health related subjects, such as AIDS, addictions, medications, chemicals, etc.

Intercantonal Approving Agency for Medical Products:
Registration agency for health care products and pharmaceuticals. Contains registration information and forms that can be downloaded.

Fed. Office for Environment, Forestry and Landscape:
Regulating agency for environmental protection; equivalent to the Environmental Protection Agency. Contains environmental reports and press releases on topics such as air, climate, energy and forestry, natural hazards, etc.