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Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Data Collection Comparison

Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will dramatically increase our ability to collect data about the Sun. This visualization compares the temporal and spatial resolution of SOHO/EIT with TRACE. SDO will enable TRACE-like image and temporal resolution over the entire solar disk.

This movie opens with a full-disk view of the Sun in ultraviolet light (195 Ã…ngstroms) from SOHO/EIT using the traditional TRACE 'gold' color table. We zoom in on the active region on the western limb where the TRACE instrument is pointing and fade-in an inset of the higher-resolution TRACE data. To emphasize the comparison, the TRACE inset is moved aside (with a solid white border) revealing the matching EIT data view (enclosed in the faint white border). At this point, we step through the time series of data frames. In this movie, much of the TRACE imagery is collected at time intervals between 3 and 40 seconds. On the other hand, a new SOHO/EIT image is taken about every 12 minutes (720 seconds). The SDO Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) will take full-disk solar images at four times the SOHO/EIT spatial resolution, a whopping 4096x4096, and at least 70 times the temporal resolution, 10 seconds or better per image. This creates a data rate over 1000x higher than SOHO/EIT. It is roughly equivalent to TRACE spatial and temporal resolution, but over the entire solar disk.

This version of the movie DOES NOT include data frames where the TRACE instrument re-points for short periods of time.    This version of the movie DOES NOT include data frames where the TRACE instrument re-points for short periods of time.
Duration: 1.7 minutes
Available formats:
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-4   73 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-2   110 MB
  512x288 (30 fps) MPEG-1   27 MB
  320x180     PNG           83 KB
  960x540 (30 fps) MPEG-4   8 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) Frames (Smoothframes)
  320x180 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   13 MB
  320x180 (29.97 fps) X-FLV       3 MB
How to play our movies

Shorter version of the smooth-playing movie.    Shorter version of the smooth-playing movie.
Duration: 50.0 seconds
Available formats:
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-4   6 MB
  320x180     PNG           164 KB
How to play our movies

This version of the movie includes ALL TRACE data frames, including cases where the spacecraft re-points for short times.  This makes the movie jump around considerably more than the 'smooth' version.    This version of the movie includes ALL TRACE data frames, including cases where the spacecraft re-points for short times. This makes the movie jump around considerably more than the 'smooth' version.
Duration: 1.9 minutes
Available formats:
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-4   94 MB
  512x288 (30 fps) MPEG-1   34 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) MPEG-2   138 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) Frames (Allframes)
  320x180     PNG           212 KB
  160x80       PNG           51 KB
  80x40         PNG           13 KB
How to play our movies

Opening view of the Sun in ultraviolet light.  Surprisingly, it is mostly dark, but for the high temperature active regions.    Opening view of the Sun in ultraviolet light. Surprisingly, it is mostly dark, but for the high temperature active regions.

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  2560 x 1440     TIFF 1 MB
  320 x 180         PNG       68 KB

A closeup view of the active region where TRACE is pointed.    A closeup view of the active region where TRACE is pointed.

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  2560 x 1440     TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     200 KB

Faint box outlines range of the TRACE field-of-view.    Faint box outlines range of the TRACE field-of-view.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1440     TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     202 KB

Matching view from TRACE appears, with a brigher outline box.    Matching view from TRACE appears, with a brigher outline box.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1440     TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     200 KB

The TRACE inset box moves aside, revealing the SOHO/EIT view.  Note the dramatic different in visibility of fine structures in the coronal loops.    The TRACE inset box moves aside, revealing the SOHO/EIT view. Note the dramatic different in visibility of fine structures in the coronal loops.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1440     TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     213 KB

More fine structure is visible in the TRACE field of view, including some brightening in the loops.    More fine structure is visible in the TRACE field of view, including some brightening in the loops.

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  2560 x 1440     TIFF 3 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     219 KB

When TRACE sees the early part of a bright flare, EIT is still between pictures.    When TRACE sees the early part of a bright flare, EIT is still between pictures.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1440     TIFF 3 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     218 KB

Another example comparing the visibility of fine structure in the loops.    Another example comparing the visibility of fine structure in the loops.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1440     TIFF 2 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     214 KB

Animation Number:3435
Animator:Tom Bridgman (GST) (Lead)
Scientist:William D. Pesnell (NASA/GSFC)
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:SDO
 SOHO/Extreme-UV Imaging Telescope (EIT)/195 Angstroms (2003-Oct-25T00:00:26 - 2003-Oct-27T17:59:32)
 TRACE/195 Angstroms (2003-Oct-25T00:00:26 - 2003-Oct-27T17:59:32)
Data Collected:2003-Oct-25T00:00:26 - 2003-Oct-27T17:59:32
Series:SDO Pre-launch
 The Sun
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SVS >> Solar Ultraviolet
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NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

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