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The Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) program was established to support the development, technical maturation, and dissemination of novel and potentially transformative next-generation technologies through an approach of balanced but targeted innovation. In support of its mission, the IMAT program utilizes a variety of investigator-initiated research project grant mechanisms while retaining a strong commitment to diversity and to the training of scientists and clinicians in cross-cutting, research-enabling disciplines.
Program Areas
Technology Development
Education and Training Programs
Communications and Outreach
Funding opportunities in technology development are intended to support the inception, maturation, and subsequent dissemination of technically innovative and potentially transformative emerging technologies. These opportunities exist in parallel with various educational and training programs aimed at the recruitment, retention, and promotion of a diverse pool of talent in areas of emerging technology.
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Current Funding Opportunities
The Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) program now encompasses an array of 5 closely related Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). Each FOA is segregated based on theme and type of funding mechanism. Click on the links below to view the FOAs by theme area:
Innovative and Applied Emerging Technologies in Biospecimen Science
Application and Use of Transformative Emerging Technologies in Cancer Research
Innovative Technology Development for Cancer Research
Small Business Funding Opportunities
Latest News

OBBR Highlighted in Time Magazine's “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now: What's Next 2009”
The National Cancer Institute's Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research is leading an effort to build the U.S.'s first national biobanking resource. A Time Magazine article recently discussed this effort, naming it one of the "10 ideas changing the world right now." As a formal part of the OBBR, the IMAT program possesses funding opportunities in biospecimen science aimed at supporting this important effort. Read the entire article here .

IMAT Investigator / Technology Wins 2008 “Innovation of the Year” Award
James Landers , a professor of chemistry and mechanical engineering and an associate professor of pathology at the University of Virginia , was recently recognized with the 2008 Innovation Award from the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA) for his novel Microfluidic Genetic Analysis (MGA) technology.

Two IMAT Technologies Featured in 2 Separate Issues of Science
Two IMAT technologies were recently featured in the journal Science.

IMAT Technology Featured in Nature Nanotechnology
The work of Dr Shanna O Kelley, an international IMAT grantee from the University of Toronto , was recently featured in an article published in the journal, Nature Nanotechnology .

USPTO Approves 8 new patents on IMAT technologies in 2007-2008
IMAT program investigators successfully secured the approval of 8 additional new patents for novel technologies in calendar year 2007 through 2008 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

2009 IMAT RFAs Released
The 2009 IMAT Request for Applications (RFAs) have been synthesized and released.

IMAT Announces New Affiliated Funding Opportunity Announcement in Biospecimen Integrity and Variability (2008)
As a part of the Biospecimen Research Network of the Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR), the IMAT program is pleased to announce the issuance of a new funding opportunity announcement directed at examining the variables associated with human biospecimen integrity.

IMAT Receives 5-Year Reauthorization (2007)
The IMAT program is pleased to announce the renewal of this highly successful and competitive technology development initiative.

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