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  1. Special Note

    Ask an Astrobiologist has received nearly a thousand questions about Nibiru and 2012, with more than 200 answers posted. Please read a summary of the answers that have already been posted, use the search feature and read the FAQ’s before submitting questions on these topics.

  1. Question

    Describe the nature of the material between the stars. How is it observed?

    The material between the stars consists of a great variety of gases and small solids that astronomers call dust. A century ago astronomers could observed reflection from dust (called reflection nebulae) and emission of light from some gases by the process of florescence (emission nebulae). By the middle to of the 20th century, radio astronomers were able to detect the emission of hydrogen gas and (later) of many gas molecules. Today we can also study both interstellar gas and dust using the techniques of infrared astronomy. You should be able to find a good discussion of the "interstellar medium" in any introductory textbook on astronomy or any encyclopedia. Check on-line or ask your librarian for help.

    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    January 23, 2004