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What do our clients say - GKS

January 2009, GKS Global Parts & Machinery

"Zdenek, in the Prague office, did a great job of researching clients, setting up GK meetings and communicating with myself and my Czech partner. It appears we will have a successful adventure in the Czech Republic. Thank you very much." Mr. Lynn Wright, Global Parts & Machinery

December 2008, GKS Realogy/Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate, Llc.

"The service I received was top notch. Jana Ruckerova was present at my meetings so she could understand what we were looking to acheieve. She translated where necessary and gave valuable insights regarding the local market and our offering. Our success is in great part due to Jana and her diligenence. I believe we will find the appropriate master franchisor and I would highly recommend her to my colleagues for any future projects." Mr. Kumar Patel, Realogy/Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate, Llc.

May 2008, GKS W. W. Grainger, Int.

"Zdenek Svoboda was extremely helpful from beginning to end and helped me tremendously. I would definitely recommend his work." Ms. Amy Haneberg, W. W. Grainger, Int.

April 2008; GKS Milliman, Inc.

“I couldn't be happier with the service I received from the Gold Key Matching Service. Veronika Novakova was extremely helpful. She provided useful background information, took the time to learn about my company, scheduled five very productive meetings, and gave me all the support I needed. I would use the service again and will tell others about it, too. Thanks for everything!” John Meerschaert, Milliman, Inc.

April 2008; GKS Mountain Springs Spas

“I enjoyed meeting with you on Thursday morning and would like to congratulate Veronika and your other staff for setting up a series of excellent meetings for me.  I am sure that they will result in export sales for Mountain Springs Spas.  I’ll let you know when we make our first sales!” Fraser McLeay, Director of Int. Marketing, Mountain Springs Spas

June 2007; GKS Pacific Bag, Inc.

"The staff was very helpful and accomodating - the meetings were effective. I am impressed with Czech business climate and mind set. We are pursuing several opportunities and we hope to generate business in 2007 or 2008." Mr, Mark Howley, Pacific Bag, Inc.

October 2006; GKS CSI Leasing

"Great experience, would definitely recommend further. We were able to meet with valuable contacts and now have a great start into the market." Mr. Martin Kardos, CSI Leasing

August 2006; GKS HyRadix, Inc.

"The commercial services specialist with whom I worked, Hana Obrusnikova, is an absolute star within the organization. She is hard working, dedicated and thorough. I feel so thankful to have had her helping me with this service." Leanne Charnas, Director of Sales, Europe, HyRadix, Inc.

June 2006; GKS Networld Inc.

"I want to thank you again for your hard work and for the help you have extended to us and to Networld Inc. in pursuit of Travel Service as a business partner. We are totally indebted to you for your kind assistance and, more importantly, for your very effective assistance in opening all the doors we asked you to open. Davor Gjivoje Jr., CEO, Networld Inc."