American chamber of commerce in Czech republic
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activities scheduleRSS

03 Sep
Back to the Jungle - After Summer Party, September 03, 2009

ZOOM Unique Place, Kongresové Centrum Praha, 5. května 65, Praha 4, 18:00

04 Sep
HR Committee, September 04, 2009

AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1, 09:00

08 Sep
08 Sep
Real Estate Committee, September 08, 2009

AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1, 09:00

Legal ReformRSS

August 11, 2009

Tax Laws signed by President

The President signed new Tax Procedural Code today as the first completed pillar of the Czech tax system reform. AmCham has been a partner during drafting the bill and contributed significantly to appproved wording. The bill will enter into force on 1 January 2011...

July 24, 2009

Minimal Amendment to Public Procurement Act

The Regional Development Ministry has prepared a minimal amendment to the Public Procurement Act to fulfill the obligations regarding transposition of 2007/66/ES Directive aiming at strengthening of the Antimonopoly Office supervisory role. Date due for transposition is January 1, 2010. Draft amendment will be debated on the session of the Government next week.

July 08, 2009

EU VAT Package

The amendment implementing the so-called “EU VAT Package” into the national legislation will be debated on the session of the Government on July 13. Significant changes concerning place of supply of services, refunds mechanism, and reporting obligations must come into effect on 1 January 2010.

June 26, 2009

Discussion with Deputy Interior Minister Zajíček

On June 23, AmCham welcomed Mr. Zajíček and discussed on the latest achievements of e-Government and preparations for launching Data Boxes on July 1, 2009. Data Boxes are intended to streamline, improve, and economize the public administration.

June 17, 2009

New Tax Procedural Code Approved

The Chamber of Deputies approved new Tax Procedural Code today. AmCham Finance Committee has been a partner to the Finance Ministry while drafting the bill and contributed significantly to its approved wording...

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Economic DevelopmentRSS

August 11, 2009

New coordination system of export promotion for priority countries

MPO has started up system of communication with entrepreneurs and coordination of planning proexport activities for priority country markets. New expert teams for priority countries has been created. These teams are made of public administration representatives and entrepreneur associations representatives.

August 11, 2009

Innovation Voucher - support of cooperation between companies and universities

On April 4th has started collection of applications for innovation vouchers at Companies can get up to CZK 150,000 for acquisition of services (knowledge) from Brno universities. Deadline for registration is on September 25th. Companies from the whole Czech Republic can apply for the voucher.

July 24, 2009

KREDO Meeting Day 2009

The Regional Development Agency in cooperation with Amcham will organize 3rd annual meeting of suppliers and their potential customers KREDO Meeting Day on 20 October 2009 in Ostrava, Czech Republic. You will find enclosed the basic information for the participants on the customers´ side. Anyway, you can show your interest in participation as a supplier.

July 24, 2009

Mentor Network Program

The Mentor Network Program aims to foster the development of closer links between the business and academic sector and to provide valuable networking opportunities for participating senior executives of the AmCham member companies.

July 24, 2009

Association of Corporate Travel Executives Global Conference in Prague, 25-27 October 2009

Come and benefit from being able to meet and network with some of the world’s top travel managers with global responsibility!

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August 14, 2009

Czech competitiveness is 1% bellow the european avarage

Article in the EKONOM magazine.

August 10, 2009

amcham.monitor August 2009

AmCham.monitor is a bi-weekly summation of vital policy news and opinion from the global marketplace. Starting with the Czech Republic and rippling out, the monitor is a practical tool for Czech executives for piecing together a cogent view of how policymakers see and shape the market.


American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic

Dušní­ 10
110 00 Praha 1
Tel: (420) 222-329-430
Fax: (420) 222-329-433