Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3
Top 10 U.S. Maritime Trade Partners by Value and Weight: 2000

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Ranked by value Country Value ($ billions) Percent
  All countries $740 100
   1 Japan 125 16.9
   2 China 93 12.6
   3 Germany 41 5.5
   4 South Korea 31 4.2
   5 Taiwan 28 3.8
   6 United Kingdom 27 3.6
   7 Mexico 24 3.2
   8 Venezuela 23 3.1
   9 Saudi Arabia 17 2.4
  10 Brazil 14 2.2
    Total, top 10 426 57.5

Ranked by weight Country Millions of short tons Percent
  All countries 1,273 100
 1 Mexico 119 9.4
 2 Venezuela 116 9.1
 3 Canada 95 7.4
 4 Saudi Arabia 84 6.6
 5 Japan 79 6.2
 6 Nigeria 55 4.3
 7 China 50 3.9
 8 Brazil 37 2.9
 9 Colombia 36 2.8
10 United Kingdom 35 2.7
    Total, top 10 705 55.4

NOTE: Excludes cargo in transit through the United States.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulation, July 2001, based on U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Exports of Merchandise CD and U.S. Imports of Merchandise CD, December 2000.

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