Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1
Bridge Conditions by Functional Class: 2000

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Type of roadway Not deficient Structurally deficient Functionally obsolete
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Interstates 23,277 84 1,108 4 3,195 12
Other principal arterials 30,113 84 1,963 6 3,564 10
Minor arterials 31,614 80 3,401 9 4,668 11
Major collectors 73,834 77 11,638 12 10,266 11
Minor collectors 35,499 74 6,830 14 5,454 12
Local roads 138,960 66 45,941 22 24,965 12
Rural total 333,297 73 70,881 16 52,112 11
Interstates 20,438 73 1,757 6 5,679 21
Other freeways and espressways 11,759 73 985 6 3,368 21
Other principal arterials 16,876 68 2,413 10 5,513 22
Minor arterials 14,586 63 2,497 11 6,072 26
Collectors 9,735 63 1,828 12 3,839 25
Local roads 17,897 69 3,215 12 4,927 19
Urban total 91,291 68 12,695 10 29,398 22
Rural and urban total 424,588 72 83,576 14 81,510 14

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Bridge Technology, National Bridge Inventory database, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/britab.htm, as of December 2000.

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