Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Appendix C: List of Tables, Figures, Boxes, and Maps

Table of Contents File Formats
Chapter 2 - State of Transportation Statistics
The Unique Characteristics of Transportation Data
Historical Highlights: Transportation Statistics
Categories of Data Users and Their Needs
Telephone Surveys: Who Gets Left Out
Data Confidentiality
One Intermodal Shipment
Chapter 3 - Transportation System Condition and Extent
Highways: 2000 Data
Air: 2000 Data
Rail: 2000 Data
Transit: 2000 Data
Water: 2000 Data
Pipeline: 1999 Data
Maglev Corridors and Funding
Vehicles Purchased Under the Area Formula Funding Program: Fiscal Year 2000
Cargo-Carrying U.S.-Flag Fleet by Area of Operation: January 2000–June 2000
U.S.-Flag Fleet of Passenger Vessels, Tugs/Towboats, and Other Work Boats
Privately Owned Self-Propelled Merchant Vessels with Unrestricted Domestic Trading Privileges (Jones Act): As of April 1, 2001
U.S. Public Port Capital Expenditures by Type of Facility: 1996–2000
Top 25 U.S. Ports by Cargo Vessel Type and Calls: 2000
U.S. Airport Runway Pavement Conditions: 1986 and 2000
Runway Expansion Projects
Condition of Roads: 1993 and 2000
Bridge Conditions by Functional Class: 2000
ITS Infrastructure Deployment in 75 Metropolitan Areas: 1997 and 2000
Trends in Lane-Miles of Roadway by Functional Class: 1980–2000
Highway Vehicle Trends: 1990–2000
Revenue Vehicle-Miles by Urban Transit Mode: 1991–2000
Roads in Poor or Mediocre Condition by Functional Class: 1993–2000
Structurally Deficient and Functionally Obsolete Bridges: 1990–2000
Rural Transit
Highway Classification
Bridge Conditions by State: 2000
Chapter 4 - Mobility and Access To Transportation
Top 15 Countries of Origin of International Overnight Visitors to the United States: 2000
Top 15 Countries Visited Overnight by U.S. Residents: 2000
Land Gateways on the Canadian and Mexican Borders: 2000
Top 5 Gateways for Passengers in Personal Vehicles Entering the United States: 2000
Passengers Boarded at the Top 50 U.S. Airports
ADA Lift- or Ramp-Equipped Transit Buses: 1993–2000
ADA Accessible Heavy-Rail Stations by Agency: 1997 and 2000
Mode of Travel to Work: 2000
Congestion Measures in 68 Metropolitan Areas
Top 10 Large Airports for Percentage of Flights Delayed, Canceled, or Diverted: 2001
Domestic Air Revenue Freight Tons and Ton-Miles: 1991–2000
Top 10 U.S. Container Ports: Traffic and Channel Depth: 1992–2000
Airport Freight Capacity and Bottleneck Measures: 1999
Seaport Freight Capacity and Bottleneck Measures: 1999
Passenger-Miles of Travel
Increases in Passenger-Miles of Travel and Factors Affecting Travel Demand: 1975–2000
Changes in Vehicle-Miles of Travel by Vehicle Type: 1990–2000
International Overnight Visitors to the United States: 1990–2000
International Trips by U.S. Residents: 1990–2000
ADA Lift- or Ramp-Equipped Buses: 1994–2000
Usual Means of Travel to Work: 1990 and 2000
Transit Ridership by Mode: 1990–2000
Households Without Vehicles: 1989 and 1999
Households Without Vehicles in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Areas: 1989 and 1999
Households Without Vehicles by Region: 1989 and 1999
Annual Hours of Congesion Delay per Person by Metropolitan Area Size
U.S. Major Air Carriers On-Time Performance: 1996–2001
FAA-Cited Causes of Delays: 2001
Growth in Domestic Freight Ton-Miles: 1975–1999
Domestic Ton-Miles, Gross Domestic Product, and Resident Population: 1975–1999
Domestic Air Revenue Freight Ton-Miles, Population, and Real Gross Domestic Product: 1991–2000
Enplaned Air Revenue Tonnage by Type of Service: 1991–2000
Domestic Air Revenue Freight Capacity: 1991–2000
Balance of U.S. International Container Trade—Net Imports: 1993–2000
U.S. Intermodel Rail Traffic: 1996–2000
Rail Trailer/Container Flatcars: 1996–2000
Growth in the Use of PrePass: 1996–2001
Estimating Passenger-Miles of Travel
The Highway Performance Monitoring System
Security and Travel Time Post-September 11
Data on International Travel To and From the United States
“Census Island,” USA
Impacts of the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks
Freight Analysis Framework Tool
The Intermodal Bottleneck Evaluation Tool
Percentage Change in Vehicle-Miles of Travel: 1990–2000
Annual Person-Hours of Delay per Person: 1982 and 1999
PrePass System Sites
Chapter 5 - Security
International Terrorist Incidents and Casualties: 1990–2000
Worldwide Casualties by Transportation Mode: 1998
Percentage of Worldwide Violent Attacks on Transportation, by Mode: 1998
Incidents Against Aviation by Category: 1996–2000
U.S. Port Cargo Vessel Calls: 2000
Members of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet
World Orderbook as of September 2001
World Petroleum Endowment
Major Suppliers of U.S. Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
International Attacks Against U.S. Interests as a Proportion of Total Attacks: 1990–2000
Worldwide Violent Acts Against Transportation: 1995–1998
Worldwide Civil Aviation Hijackings: 1970–2000
Incidents Against Aviation by Geographic Region: 1996–2000
International Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships: 1995–2001
National Guard and Reserve Mobilized: Sept. 26, 2001–Feb. 6, 2002
National Defense Reserve Fleet: 1960–2001
U.S. Coast Guard Migrant Interdictions at Sea: 1991–2001
U.S. Coast Guard Interdictions at Sea by Nationality: 2001
Federal Drug Control Spending by Function: Fiscal Year 2001
U.S. Coast Guard Drug Seizures: Fiscal Years 1991–2000
U.S. Civil and Military Aircraft Production: 1991–2001
Aerospace Exports and Imports
U.S. Commercial Shipbuilding Orderbook History: As of January 2002
Federal Ship Financing Program: Fiscal Years 1994–2001
U.S. Petroleum Production and Consumption: 1975–2000
U.S. Oil Imports
Calculating Fatalities Resulting from the Sept. 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks
Airplane Hijackings in 2001
People and Firms Licensed to Carry Hazardous Materials
Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET)
Chapter 6 - Safety
Transportation Fatalities: A Modal Picture—2000
Fatalities by Transportation Mode
Total Fatalities in Motor Vehicle Crashes by Type of Crash: 2000
Fatal Crashes by Speed Limits and Type of Road: 2000
State Laws on the Use of Cellular Telephones: As of November 2001
Driver-Related Factors Cited in Two-Vehicle Fatal Crashes Between Large Trucks and Passenger Vehicles: 2000
Pedalcyclist Fatalities by Age Group: 1975 and 2000
Factors Relating to Pedestrian Fatalities: 2000
Number of Commercial Aviation Fatalities by Type of Operation: 1990–2001
Fatal Accidents and Deaths by Type of Aviation Operation: 1990–2001
Number of Commercial Vessel Incidents by Type of Vessel—Top 10 Vessel Types: 1992–2000
Types of Recreational Boating Accidents: 2000
Number of Fatalities by Type of Vessel: 2000
Recreational Boating Accidents Due to Operator Error: 2000
Train Accidents and Fatalities
U.S. Gas Transmission Pipeline Incidents: 1995–2000
U.S. Gas Distribution Pipeline Incidents: 1995–2000
U.S. Liquid Pipeline Accidents by Cause: 1995–2000
Hazardous Materials Transportation Fatalities, Injuries, and Incidents: 1991–2000
Hazardous Materials Incidents for the Highway, Air, and Rail Modes: 1995–2000
Transportation-Related Occupational Fatalities: 1992 and 2000
Occupational Fatalities in Transportation Occupations: 2000
Occupational Fatality Rates of Transportation Occupations: 1993–2000
Leading Causes of Death of People of All Ages in the United States: 2000
Total Fatalities by All Modes of Transportation
Fatality Rates for Selected Modes
Growth in the Number of Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Alcohol-Related Fatalities in Motor Vehicle Crashes: 1982–2000
Alcohol Involvement of Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Age: 2000
Estimated Number of Lives Saved Each Year by Use of Safety Belts: 1975–2000
Cell Phone Service Subscriptions: 1985–July 2001
Fatalities in Large Truck Crashes: 1975–2000
Motor Carrier Vehicle Inspections
Percentage of Vehicle Inspections in Which the Vehicle is Taken Out of Service: 1984–2000
Bicycle Fatalities in Motor Vehicle Crashes: 1975–2000
Bicycle Fatalities by Age of Bicyclist: 1975–2000
Pedestrian Fatalities in Motor Vehicle Crashes: 1975–2000
Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2000
Commercial Aviation Accidents by Type of Operation:1990–2001
Commercial Carrier Accident Rates: 1990–2001
General Aviation Fatality Rates: 1975–2001
General Aviation Fatalities: 1990–2001
Worker Fatalities on Fishing Vessels: 1995–1999
Commercial Vessel Incidents Involving Recreational Boats: 1992–2000
Recreational Boating Accidents, Injuries, and Fatalities: 1990–2000
Rail-Related Fatality Rate: 1978–2000
Highway-Rail Grade-Crossing Fatalities: 1993–2000
Fatalities in Pipeline Incidents
Aviation Fatalities Resulting from Sabotage, Suicide, or Terrorism
Pipeline Accident and Incident Data Reporting
Infectious Substance: Anthrax
Transportation Worker Fatalities and September 2001
Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Fatality Rates per 100,000 Licensed Drivers and Illegal Blood Alcohol Content Levels: 2000
Safety Belt Use Rates: 2000
Type of Safety Belt Use Laws, by State: As of 2001
Chapter 7 - Economic Growth
Transportation-Related Components of U.S. Gross Domestic Product: 1975 and 2000
U.S. Gross Domestic Product Attributed to For-Hire Transportation Industries
Consumer Expenditure Trends
Household Transportation Expenditures: 2000
Annual Household Transportation Expenditures by Region: 1995 and 2000
Government Transportation Revenues
Government Transportation Expenditures
Value of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transportation: 2000
Top 10 U.S. Maritime Ports for International Trade by Value and Weight: 2000
Top 10 U.S. Maritime Trade Partners by Value and Weight: 2000
Major NAFTA Border Crossings: 1996 and 2000
Top 10 U.S. Origins/Destinations for North American Merchandise Trade: 2000
U.S. Gross Domestic Product by Major Societal Function: 2000
Employment in Transportation-Related Industries: January 1980–January 2001
For-Hire Transportation Shares in the Gross Domestic Product: 1960 and 2000
Labor Productivity Trends by Mode
Consumer Price Indexes for Selected Items: 1978–2000
Consumer Price Indexes for Purchased and Private Transportation Services: 1978–2000
Price of Motor Gasoline vs. Consumption: January 1999–October 2001
Fuel Cost per Dollar of Net Output of the For-Hire Transportation Industries: 1999 and 2000
Average Household Transportation Expenditures and Vehicle-Miles Traveled: 1984–2000
Household Transportation Expenditures by Age Group: 2000
Government Transportation Revenues by Mode: FY 1985–1999
Government Transportation Expenditures by Mode: FY 1985–1999
Highway Trust Fund Revenue Sources
Federal Motor Fuel Tax per Household: 1966–1999
Share of Federal Motor Fuel Tax in Household Disposable Income: 1966–1999
Real Growth in Highway Capital Stocks Compared with Vehicle Stocks: 1925–2000
Top 10 U.S. Trade Partners, All Modes of Transportation: 2000
Top 10 U.S. Trade Partners by Air: 2000
U.S. Merchandise Trade with NAFTA Partners: 1994–2000
Top 6 Ports for U.S. Land Trade with NAFTA Partners, by Value: 2000
U.S. Domestic Waterborne Trade: 2000 and 2001
U.S. Foreign Waterborne Trade by Value: 1988–2000
Transportation Employment Affected in 2001
Where the Fuel Tax Revenues are Kept
Transportation Infrastructure Capital Stock Account
International Trade Data
Per Capita State and Local Transportation Revenues: FY 1999
Per Capita State and Local Transportation Expenditures After Federal Grants: FY 1999
Chapter 8 - Energy and the Environment
Total Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector
Fuel Consumption in the United States: 1992 and 2000 230 2000
Estimated Number of Alternative Fueled Vehicles in the United States, by Fuel: 1992 and 2000
Changes in Fuel Economy Standards
U.S. Transportation-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Reported Oil Spills in U.S. Waterways: 1991–2000
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Releases and Cleanups
Wetlands Lost and Created Under the Federal-Aid Highway Program: 1996–2000
Transportation Energy Use and Other Trends: 1980–2000
Transportation Energy Use by Mode: 1999
U.S. Petroleum Use by Sector: 1973–2000
Estimated Vehicle Fuel Consumption in the United States: 2000
World Crude Oil Prices
Average Motor Fuel Cost per Vehicle-Mile Traveled by Consumers: 1997–2001
Vehicle-Miles Traveled in the United States: 1997–2001
Energy Intensities of Passenger Modes: 1980–1999
New Passenger Car and Light Truck Fuel Economy Averages: Model Years 1978–2000
U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy Use by Sector: 1990 and 2000
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Intensity of the U.S. Economy
National Transportation Emissions Trends Index: 1970–1999
Modal Share of Key Transportation Air Pollutants: 1999
Reported Oil Spills by Type: 1996–2000
Disposal/Use of Material Dredged by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Cost of Dredging Navigable Waterways: 1990–2000
Disposition of All Used Rubber Tires
Disposition of All Used Lead-Acid Batteries
Effects of Transportation on the Environment
EPA and EIA Data Differ
Data on Toxic Air Pollutants
Mobile Source vs. Transportation Emissions
Sources of Petroleum Entering North American Waters

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