Table 1,, Transportation-Related Occupational Fatalities: 1992 and 2000,, ,1992,2000 Total occupational fatalities (all causes),"6,217","5,915" Total transportation-related fatalities,"2,484","2,571" Highway,"1,158","1,363" "Off-highway road (farm, industrial, premises)",436,399 Air transportation,353,280 "Worker struck by vehicle, mobile equipment",346,370 Water transportation,109,84 Railroad transportation,66,71 "Other, not elsewhere classified",16,4 "NOTE: Data for 2000 are preliminary. Because these data are generated by a different methodology, they may not be consistent with other transportation fatality-by-mode data presented in this document.",, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1992 and 2000, available at, as of Dec. 20, 2001.",, ,, ,,