Table 1,,, Top 15 Countries of Origin of International Overnight Visitors to the United States: 2000,,, Rank,Country,Trips (thousands),Percent 1,Canada,"14,594",29 2,Mexico,"10,322",20 3,Japan,"5,061",10 4,United Kingdom,"4,703",9 5,Germany,"1,786",4 6,France,"1,087",2 7,Brazil,737,1 8,South Korea,662,1 9,Italy,612,1 10,Venezuela,577,1 11,Netherlands,553,1 12,Australia,540,1 13,Argentina,534,1 14,Republic of China (Taiwan),457,1 15,Colombia,417,1 ,"Total, top 15","42,642",84 ,"Total, all countries","50,891",100 NOTE: Percentages do not add to totals due to rounding.,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Tourism Industries, “Top 55 Overseas Markets for International Visitor Arrivals to the United States: 2000 and 1999,” available at, as of Sept. 25, 2001.",,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,