Figure 1,,,, U.S. Major Air Carriers On-Time Performance: 1996–2001,,,, (Millions of flights),,,, Year,On-time flights,Late arrivals,Diverted flights1,Canceled flights 1996,"7,715,006","2,655,854","26,248","245,126" 1997,"8,101,242","2,495,630","26,162","210,224" 1998,"7,949,666","2,495,200","25,466","285,700" 1999,"7,815,846","2,798,138","28,760","305,804" 2000,"8,058,454","2,893,006","26,606","326,304" 2001,"7,998,010","2,847,222","27,024","466,056" "1Because relatively few flights were diverted from their original destinations, that category is not clearly visible on the graph. The following number of flights were diverted (by year): 14,121 (1996); 12,081 (1997); 13,161 (1998); 13,555 (1999); 14,254 (2000); and 12,144 (2001). Please note that the chart displays millions of flights.",,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time Performance Database, available at, as of May 2002.",,,,