Table 1,,,,,,,, Vehicles Purchased Under the Area Formula Funding Program: Fiscal Year 2000,,,,,,,, Population category ,Number of areas,Buses,,,Articulated buses ,Vans and station wagons,Trolley buses,Other ,,35–40 ft,30 ft,< 30 ft,,,, Large,36,"2,736",152,474,192,612,68,21 Medium,71,508,89,313,28,560,13,65 Small,45,223,69,283,2,166,33,12 Total,152,"3,467",310,"1,070",222,"1,338",114,98 "KEY TO POPULATION CATEGORIES: Large = over 1 million; medium = 200,000 to 1 million; small = less than 200,000.",,,,,,,, "NOTE: Other includes articulated trolleys, commuter buses, intercity buses, and used buses.",,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, “Table 19: Obligation of Flex Funds/FHWA Transfers, by Area/State (Fiscal Years 1992–2000),” 2000 Statistical Summaries: FTA Grant Assistance Programs,available at statsum01/table19.html,as of Sept. 26, 2001.",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,