"TABLE E-1 Number of Trucks by Weight: 1992, 1997, and 2002",,,,, Thousands of trucks,,,,, ,"Light Trucks (< 10,001 lb)","Medium Trucks (10,001 to 19,500 lb)","Light-Heavy Trucks (19,501 to 26,000 lb)","Heavy Trucks (> 26,000 lb)",Total 1992,"55,193.20","1,259.00",732,"2,016.50","59,200.80" 1997,"68,099.90","1,435.60",729.3,"2,535.60","72,800.30" 2002,"79,759.60","1,914.10",910.3,"2,590.90","85,174.80" " KEY: lb = pound",,,,, " NOTES: Weight is the empty weight of the vehicle plus the average vehicle load. Data may not add to total because of independent rounding. Excludes vehicles owned by federal, state, or local governments; ambulances; buses; motor homes; farm tractors; unpowered trailer units; and trucks reported to have been sold, junked, or wrecked prior to July 1 of the year preceding the 1992 and 1997 surveys and January 1, 2002, for the 2002 survey. The definition of Light Trucks in this table differs from the definition in Table E-4.",,,,, "SOURCE: 1992 and 1997—U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census: Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey: United States, EC97TV-US (Washington, DC: 1999). 2002—U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Economic Census: Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey: United States, EC02TV-US (Washington, DC: 2004).",,,,,