"TABLE C-4 Federal Government Transportation Expenditures by Mode: Fiscal Year 2002 ",,,,,,,,, Federal transportation expenditures consist of outlays of the federal government including not only direct spending but also grants made to state and local governments. ,,,,,,,,, ,Chained 2000 dollars (billions),Percentage of total,,,,,,, Highway,31.6 ,54.7 ,,,,,,, Transit,7.3 ,12.7 ,,,,,,, Rail,1.2 ,2.1 ,,,,,,, Air,12.4 ,21.4 ,,,,,,, Water,5.0 ,8.6 ,,,,,,, Pipeline,0.1 ,0.1 ,,,,,,, General support,0.2 ,0.4 ,,,,,,, Total,57.7 ,100.0 ,,,,,,, "NOTES: Data may not add to total and percentages may not add to 100 because of independent rounding. To eliminate the effects of inflation over time, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics converted current dollars to chained 2000 dollars. ",,,,,,,,, " SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2003, available at http://www.bts.gov/, as of December 2006.",,,,,,,,,