U. S. Office of Personnel Management
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program

March 6, 2002, Satellite Broadcast

  • Learn what long term care is and isnt
  • Find out whether or not youre already covered
  • Hear about options for paying for long term care
March 6 Broadcast Panel

To Written Transcript of Broadcast (HTML page)

Streaming RealVideo
(watch while it is downloading)

Slow Connections
  1. Director James's Introduction (4 min. 14 seconds)
  2. Testimonials (10 minutes 1 second)
  3. Panel Discussion (28 minutes)
  4. Questions and Answers (15 minutes 5 seconds)
Fast Connections
  1. Director James's Introduction (4 minutes 12 seconds)
  2. Testimonials (10 minutes 3 seconds)
  3. Discussion (28 minutes 2 seconds)
  4. Questions and Answers (15 minutes 4 seconds)

(watch after you download it)
(RealOne or Windows Media Player Required)

Higher Resolution Version
Lower Resolution Version RealVideo, individual parts, without captioning:
  1. Director James's Introduction (6.9 Meg File)
  2. Testimonials (16 Meg File)
  3. Discussion (44.8 Meg File)
  4. Questions and Answers (24 Meg File)

Windows Media, full broadcast:

To Downloading Help File

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Page updated 26 August 2002