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For The Community

Safely Dispose of Used Needles, Syringes and Lancets

Through the Erie County SEAD (Syringe Expanded Access and Disposal) Project

The Erie County Department of Health, along with representatives from the fields of Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, business, sanitation, law enforcement, pharmacy, spiritual, government, medical and lay persons created a partnership to safely dispose of used needles, syringes & lancets free of charge. Disposal is now very convenient to county residents through the establishment of kiosk disposal sites in many Kmart pharmacies, health department clinic sites, Community Based Organizations and Diabetes Specialty Centers.

On January 1, 2000 the NY State Legislature instituted the Public Health Law Syringe Access Demonstration Program (ESAP) which decriminalized the selling/furnishing and possession of syringes without a physician's prescription. The Erie County Department of Health is a distribution site for free medical supplies such as syringes, band aids, cotton, alcohol wipes, etc. For more Information, please contact Cheryll Moore at (716) 858-7695

Help create a safer and healthier community -
properly dispose of used needles, syringes & lancets.