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For The Community

School Dental Program

Mary Beth Pascall, Supervisor
Phone: 858-8026

Lisa Miller, RDH
Phone: 858-6485

The Erie County Health Department sponsors a "Field Trip to the Dental Clinic" through a partnership with Buffalo Public Schools and some Erie County suburban schools.

At no cost, 2nd and 4th grades students are transported to The Erie County Dental Clinic located at 608 William Street in Buffalo. Our Registered Dental Hygienist teaches each child about the importance of good oral hygiene. This program includes the use models, movies and class participation to instruct students on brushing, flossing, good nutrition, smoking and many other oral health related issues.

Students with signed parental consents are given an exam by the clinic dentists and if a dental concern is identified, parents are sent a note regarding findings. All students and their family members are encouraged to visit our clinic which accepts all dental insurances including Medicaid. We also offer services on a sliding fee scale for low income Erie County residents.