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Antarctic Sub-glacial Lakes

The following animation helps to explain the dynamics of subglacial water exchange and what it looks like from space. Starting from an artist's concept of the Antarctic surface we move down to a cross section of the ice sheet with lakes hidden deep beneath. As pressure is exerted on one lake, the water in it is forced to an adjacent lake. This water movement results in elevation changes at the surface over both lakes, detectable by NASA satellites. The camera then moves to a 'top-down' view of a system of these hidden lakes and streams before dissolving into observed satellite data.

This animation illustrates the dynamics of the network of subglacial lakes far beneath the ice streams of Antarctica.    This animation illustrates the dynamics of the network of subglacial lakes far beneath the ice streams of Antarctica.
Duration: 21.0 seconds
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Animation Number:10108
Animator:Susan Twardy (HTSI) (Lead)
Scientists:Bob Bindschadler (NASA/GSFC)
 Helen Amanda Fricker (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego)
 Ted Scambos (University of Colorado/NSIDC)
 Laurie Padman (Earth and Space Research)
Writer:Andrew Freeberg (NASA/GSFC)
Goddard TV Tapes:G2007-001HD -- NASA's HD Climate Change Resource Tape
DLESE >> Cryology
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Glaciers/Ice Sheets >> Glacier Elevation/Ice Sheet Elevation
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Glaciers/Ice Sheets >> Glacier Motion/Ice Sheet Motion
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Glaciers/Ice Sheets >> Glacier Topography/Ice Sheet Topography
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Snow/Ice >> Ice Motion
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Hydrosphere >> Ground Water >> Dispersion
Science paper:An Active Subglacial Water System in West Antarctic Mapped from Space
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

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