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Three databases, the NCI/NCBI SKY/M-FISH & CGH Database, the NCI Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer, and the NCI Recurrent Aberrations in Cancer , are now integrated into NCBI's Entrez system as Cancer Chromosomes.

Search for cytogenetic, clinical, and/or reference information. Queries are performed using the same approach as for other Entrez databases such as PubMed and Nucleotide. Search using any of three methods: Entrez Query Box, Simple Search or Advanced Search.

See publication about this database and the SKY/M-FISH & CGH database.

Database last updated
  • Mitelman data - November 04, 2008
  • SKY/M-FISH & CGH data - November 21, 2008

Search Guide for Entrez Query Box
Enter a search using the box (in the gray area) at the top of the page, then press " Go. "


  • Simple cytogenetic searches (searches both Karyotype and CGH data):
    1. Which cases have a breakpoint at chromosome band 9q34?
    2. Which cases have a gain of 8p23?
    3. Which cases have a junction (breakpoint fusion) between 9q34 and 22q11?
      ISCN short-form chromosome abnormalities, such as t(9;22)(q34;q11), may also be entered.

  • Add restrictions for tissue type:
          Which cases with 9q34 have breast involvement?
            9q34 AND breast[site]
            Note: there is no space between "breast" and "[site]," and the "AND" is in upper

  • Add restrictions for diagnosis:
          Which of the above cases has a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma?
              9q34 AND breast[site] AND adenocarcinoma[diagnosis]

  • See the help document for more Examples.
For advanced queries, either use the same syntax, as guided by the Preview/Index link, or use the Advanced Search.