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Survey Participation Request Cover Letter [PDF 104 KB, 1 page]
The cover letter requests participation in a survey for approximately 480 hospitals in the region who may have participated in our Voluntary Audit Program and Compliance Initiative. The enclosed survey was approved by Headquarters through the Information Collection Request process. Our goal is to collect measurement information on the Audit Program and in some cases we are asking for more detailed cost savings and pollutant reduction information.
Download Survey: (word or wordperfect)

Nassau University Medical Center Settles Federal Hazardous Waste Case

"Hazardous wastes must be properly managed to protect those who work or live close to them," said Acting EPA Regional Administrator Kathleen C. Callahan. "EPA's 'cradle to grave' requirements for hazardous waste, which prescribe each step that needs to be
taken from generation to disposal, help ensure everyone's safety."

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to Conduct Environmental Checkups on All of Its NY/NJ Healthcare Facilities
"Our objective is to have every healthcare institution in New York and New Jersey meet EPA's regulations," said Ms. Callahan. "The self-audit program is a great way to enable the area's hospitals to effectively meet their environmental obligations to the communities they serve."

The approximately 500 hospitals in Region 2 (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands) perform an invaluable service to the public. They, also, however, pose a major environmental and public health concern. First, they contribute to the presence of mercury, dioxin, and other persistent, bioaccumulative toxics (PBTs) in the environment. Hospitals, in fact, are the fourth largest source of mercury discharged into the environment. They also generate a wide variety of hazardous waste, such as chemotherapy and antineoplastic chemicals, solvents, formaldehyde, photographic chemicals, radionuclides, and waste anesthetic gases. In addition, hospitals produce 2 million tons of solid waste, which is 1% of the total municipal solid waste in the U.S. Finally, significant violations have been found at hospitals related to air, water, hazardous waste, and toxic substances.

In response to these concerns, on December 27, 2002, EPA Region 2 sent a letter to all hospitals in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, including Veterans Administration hospitals informing them of our intent to undertake a compliance/enforcement initiative in the healthcare sector. The purpose of this initiative is to:

  1. Increase the compliance rate among medical facilities in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands;
  2. Encourage medical facilities to develop and implement environmental management systems to ensure that they have adequate systems in place to maintain compliance;
  3. Eliminate mercury-containing waste from the health care waste stream by 2005;
  4. Cut the volume of all hospital waste in half by 2010; and
  5. Identify and eliminate, if possible, the use and disposal of other hazardous chemicals such as PBTs.  

This purpose will be accomplished by successfully combining enforcement with compliance incentives and environmental assistance activities. By visiting this site, you have taken the first step to understanding and complying with the various environmental regulations that apply to your hospital.  It will also help you go "beyond" compliance by providing information on environmental auditing, pollution prevention and environmental management systems.  

Links to Other Relevant Sites

In the Spotlight

EPA Region 2 sent out a survey (word or wordperfect ) to medical facilities in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands to determine the effectivenss of our healthcare compliance initiative in increasing compliance and reducing the environmental footprint within the healthcare sector.

Environmental Assistance


Environmental Requirements

Pollution Prevention Resources

Environmental Management Systems

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine Exit EPA disclaimer

Compliance Incentives

EPA Region 2 encourages hospitals to take advantage of our Voluntary Audit Policy and enter into Audit Agreements.

So far, 37 healthcare facilities/systems have entered into audit agreements and 81 voluntary disclosures have been received. Although half of these disclosures are still under review, $8,956,016 in penalties have already been waived and 1,100 violations have been corrected.

A Model Audit Agreement for Healthcare Facilities is now available in Word and Wordperfect.


EPA Region 2 has conducted 44 inspections resulting in 22 enforcement actions and $911,018 in penalties.

Common violations found at Healthcare Facilities


Compliance Assistance Hotline:   (212) 637-4050

For information about this page, contact: buxbaum.diane@epa.gov

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