These titles are mostly first-person accounts of life in Florida collected during the Great Depression. The WPA project categories include: LIFE AND SONGS IN SLAVERY and OLD FAMILIES.
Subjects include: AGRICULTURE, Including agricultural workers, tenant farmers, sharecroppers and gardeners; LOCAL HISTORY AND GENEALOGY, including Civil War reminiscences and former slaves; OCCUPATIONS AND INDUSTRIES, including tradesmen, teachers, lawyers, bankers, insurance workers, cigarmakers, watermen, mining, health care, turpentine and unemployment; RELIGION, including ministers, wedding customs, and Father Divine; POLITICS, including attitudes toward voting, woman's suffrage; HEALTH CARE, including midwifery, black physician, and blind residents; DAILY LIFE, including home furnishings, food and diet; FOLKLORE, including superstitions, songs, and dialect; and ETHNIC/NATIONAL GROUPS, including Greeks, Cubans and Seminole Indians.
Interviews were conducted by project workers M. H. Arends, Ruth D. Bolton, Mary C. Bosworth, Lindsay M. Bryan, Gladys Buck, Elvira E. Burnell, Bertha R. Comstock, Barbara Berry Darsey, Walter A. DeLamater, Paul Diggs, Bill Dowda, Mabel Francis, Modeste Hargis, Alberta Johnson, Stetson Kennedy, Henry E. Perrine, Wilbur Edward Roberts, Rose Shepherd, Lillian Stedman, F. Valdez and Dorothy Wood.