Edison Motion Pictures by Genre

Actualities | Advertising | Animation | Early Documentary-Style | Drama And Adventure | Humorous | Trick | Reenactments
Overview Of Reenactments

--Boer War

Battle of Mafeking

Boers Bringing in British Prisoners

Capture of Boer Battery

Capture of Boer Battery by British

Charge of Boer Cavalry [no. 1]

Charge of Boer Cavalry [no. 2]

English Lancers Charging

Red Cross Ambulance on Battlefield

--Boxer Rebellion

Bombardment of the Taku Forts, By the Allied Fleets

--McKinley Assassination

Execution of Czolgosz, with Panorama of Auburn Prison

--Philippine Campaign

Advance of Kansas Volunteers at Caloocan

Capture of Trenches at Candaba

Filipinos Retreat from Trenches

U.S. Troops and Red Cross in the Trenches Before Caloocan

--Spanish-American War

Cuban Ambush

Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle

Sampson-Schley Controversy

Sampson and Schley Controversy--Tea Party

Shooting Captured Insurgents

Skirmish of Rough Riders

U.S. Infantry Supported by Rough Riders at El Caney

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