Disasters | Experimental Films | Expositions | Famous People | Foreign Places | Miscellaneous | Naval and Nautical | Police and Fire Departments | Railway | Scenic America | Sports and Leisure | Variety Stage | War
--Galveston Cyclone
Bird's-Eye View of Dock Front, Galveston
Launching a Stranded Schooner from the Docks
Panorama of Galveston Power House
Panorama of Orphans Home, Galveston
Panorama of Wreckage of Water Front
Panoramic View of Tremont Hotel, Galveston
Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies
--San Francisco Disaster
Army Pack Train Bringing Supplies
Exploded Gas Tanks, U.S. Mint, Emporium and Spreckel's Bld'g
[Dickson Experimental Sound Film]
Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze, January 7, 1894
[Newark Athlete]. [Fragment 1]
[Newark Athlete]. [Fragment 2]
--Pan-American Exposition
Circular Panorama of Electric Tower
Esquimaux Game of Snap-the-whip
Horse Parade at the Pan-American Exposition
The Mob Outside the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition
Opening, Pan-American Exposition
Pan-American Exposition by Night
Panorama of Esplanade by Night
Panoramic View of Electric Tower from a Balloon
President McKinley Reviewing the Troops at the Pan-American Exposition
President McKinley's Speech at the Pan-American Exposition
Sham Battle at the Pan-American Exposition
Spanish Dancers at the Pan-American Exposition
A Trip Around the Pan-American Exposition
--Paris Exposition
Breaking of the Crowd at Military Review at Longchamps
Eiffel Tower from Trocadero Palace
Panorama from the Moving Boardwalk
Panorama of the Moving Boardwalk
Panorama of the Paris Exposition, from the Seine
Panoramic View of the Champs Elysees
Panoramic View of the Place de L'Concord
Scene from the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower
Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition
--Dick Croker
Dick Croker Leaving Tammany Hall
--Duke of York
Duke of York at Montreal and Quebec
--President McKinley
Arrival of McKinley's Funeral Train at Canton, Ohio
Funeral Leaving the President's House and Church at Canton, Ohio
McKinley's Funeral Entering Westlawn Cemetery, Canton [Ohio]
The Mob Outside the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition
Panoramic View of the President's House at Canton, Ohio
President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol
President McKinley Reviewing the Troops at the Pan-American Exposition
President McKinley Taking the Oath
President McKinley's Funeral Cortege at Buffalo, New York
President McKinley's Funeral Cortege at Washington, D.C.
President McKinley's Speech at the Pan-American Exposition
President Roosevelt at the Canton Station
Taking President McKinley's Body from Train at Canton, Ohio
Arrival of the Governor General, Lord Minto, at Quebec
Montreal Fire Department on Runners
Burning of the Standard Oil Co's Tanks, Bayonne, N.J.
Launch of Japanese Man-of-war "Chitosa" [i.e., "Chitose"]
--Newport Naval Training Center
Discharging a Whitehead Torpedo
Gun Drill by Naval Cadets at Newport Training School
Gymnasium Exercises and Drill at Newport Training School
Naval Apprentices at Sail Drill on Historic Ship Constellation
--Pacific Life Saving Service
Police and Fire Departments (TOP)
Fast Mail, Northern Pacific R.R.
Philadelphia Express, Jersey Central Railway
Sunset Limited, Southern Pacific Ry.
--Alaska Gold Rush
First Avenue, Seattle, Washington, no. 8
Horses Loading for Klondike, no. 9
Loading Baggage for Klondike, no. 6
S.S. "Williamette" Leaving for Klondike
Buffalo Fire Department in Action
Building a Harbor at San Pedro
Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal.
South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Stanford University, California
Corner Madison and State Streets,
--New York
Emigrants [i.e. Immigrants] Landing at Ellis Island
Fireboat "New Yorker" Answering an Alarm
Fireboat "New Yorker" in Action
New Brooklyn to New York Via Brooklyn Bridge, no. 2
New York City "Ghetto" Fish Market
New York Harbor Police Boat Patrol Capturing Pirates
New York Police Parade, June 1st, 1899
104th Street Curve, New York, Elevated Railway
Opening of New East River Bridge, New York
Panorama of Blackwell's Island, N.Y.
Panorama of Riker's Island, N.Y.
Panorama Water Front and Brooklyn Bridge from East River
Skyscrapers of New York City, from the North River
Sorting Refuse at Incinerating Plant, New York City
--San Francisco
Arrest in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal.
Bird's-Eye View of San Francisco, Cal., from a Balloon
Panoramic View of the Golden Gate
--Misc. American Locations
American Falls from Above, American Side [Niagara Falls]
Coaches Arriving at Mammoth Hot Springs
The First Sleigh-Ride [Harrisburg, PA]
Lower Falls, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park
Overland Express Arriving at Helena, Mont.
Shooting the Chutes [Coney Island]
Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park
Corbett and Courtney Before the Kinetograph
--International Yacht Races
Free-For-All Race at Charter Oak Park
--Acrobatic and Physical Culture
[Newark Athlete]. [Fragment 1]
[Newark Athlete]. [Fragment 2]
Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden
The Boxing Cats (Prof. Welton's)
Laura Comstock's Bag-Punching Dog
--Wild West Shows
--Boer War
2nd Special Service Battalion, Canadian Infantry--Parade
--Spanish-American War
Admiral Dewey Landing at Gibraltar
Admiral Dewey Receiving the Washington and New York Committees
Admiral Dewey Taking Leave of Washington Committee on the U.S. Cruiser "Olympia"
Admiral Dewey Leading Land Parade
Admiral Dewey Leading Land Parade No. 2
Close View of the "Brooklyn," Naval Parade
Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations
The Fleet Steaming Up North River
General Lee's Procession, Havana
Military Camp at Tampa, Taken from Train
Morning Colors on U.S. Cruiser "Raleigh"
N.Y. Journal Despatch Yacht "Buccaneer"
9th Infantry Boys' Morning Wash
Observation Train Following Parade
Pack Mules With Ammunition on the Santiago Trail, Cuba
Packing Ammunition on Mules, Cuba
Parade of Marines, U.S. Cruiser, "Brooklyn"
Pilot Boats in New York Harbor
Reviewing the "Texas" at Grant's Tomb
Roosevelt's Rough Riders Embarking for Santiago
Secretary Long and Captain Sigsbee
10th U.S. Infantry, 2nd Battalion Leaving Cars
Transport "Whitney" Leaving Dock
Troop Ships for the Philippines
Troops at Evacuation of Havana
Troops Embarking at San Francisco
Troops Making Military Road in Front of Santiago
U.S. Cavalry Supplies Unloading at Tampa, Florida
U.S. Cruiser "Olympia" Leading Naval Parade