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Publications and Newsletters

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Technical Reports and Publications

Environmental Test Methods and Guidelines
Access to EPA approved procedures for measuring the presence and concentration of physical and chemical pollutants, evaluating properties, or measuring the effects of substances under various conditions.

National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
Information on ordering and retrieving over 6,000 U.S. EPA publications.

Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) Technology Transfer Network (TTN)
TTN is a collection of related Web sites containing information about many areas of air pollution science, technology, regulation, measurement, and prevention.

Office of Research and Development (ORD) Publications
New ORD Publications, Symposia, Seminars, Calls for Papers and Cooperative Agreement Announcements.

The 1997 Technical Assistance Directory for the Office of Research and Development
Organizational, mission and program descriptions of ORD Offices, Centers, and Laboratories.

National Center for Environmental Assessment Publications - recent risk assessments and guidelines.

NERL Publications - Publication citations for NERL's Office of the Director and each NERL division (Ecosystems Research Division, Environmental Sciences Division, Atmospheric Modeling Division, Ecological Exposure Research Division, Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division, and Microbiological & Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division) from 1999 are available. Citations with abstracts are also available.

NHEERL - Gulf Ecology Division Publications - searchable abstracts database of research published by federal researchers affiliated with this division of the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory.

NHEERL - Mid-Continent Ecology Division - published reports and presentations of research by federal researchers of this division from 1995 to the present.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Documents - Drop-down documents menu includes a research publications bibliography, EMAP research strategy and glossaries.

Office of Science and Technology (OST) Publications Catalog
The OST publications catalog is a resource for schools, local governments, professional organizations, the general public, and any other groups that would like information about water quality publications.

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications: 11th Edition

A select list of EPA's frequently requested and newly released hazardous and solid waste documents current through September 1998.

Hazardous Waste Identification Studies
Download copies of the solvent and petroleum refining residuals studies.

RCRA Online
This database identifies and indexes over 2900 RCRA letters, memoranda, and Q&As.

Technology Transfer and Support Division [formerly Center for Environmental Research Information (CERI)] The focal point for the exchange of EPA's scientific and technical information.

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Links to Other Publications Pages Within EPA.gov

Office of Air and Radiation

Air Quality Planning and Standards

Climate Protection Partnerships Division (CPPD)

Indoor Air Quality

Radiation Protection Publications

American Indian Environmental Office

Chief Financial Officer

Budget Documents

Planning Documents

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

EPA Sector Notebooks

Environmental Justice Publications

History Office

Office of Inspector General

Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse

Office of Pesticide Programs publications

Office of Research and Development

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Hazardous Waste Technology Innovations Exit EPA Disclaimer 

Oil Spill Program

Solid Waste


Office of Water

Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

Office of Science and Technology

Office of Wastewater Management

Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds

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Newsletters Currently in Publication

American Indian Environmental Office Update (Feb 2002 - present) - A publication from AIEO.

CA Compass (Spring 2004 - present) - The CA Compass is EPA's newsletter for compliance assistance providers. Each issue will focus on a particular theme or topic and will include a calendar of upcoming and past events, contacts and other resources.

Energizing EPA (Jan 1999 - present) - A newsletter highlighting the Agency's efforts to improve energy and water efficiency at its facilities.

ENERGY STAR Newsletters (May 2001 - present) - ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.

Enforcement Alert (Aug 1998 - present) - An electronic newsletter from the Office of Enforcement Compliance and Assurance intended to inform and educate the public and regulated community of important environmental enforcement issues, recent trends and significant enforcement actions.

Environmental Justice Quarterly (Fall 2002 - present) - Information on EPA's actions and programs related to environmental justice.

FedFacs (Apr 1995 - present) - An environmental bulletin for federal facilities from EPA's Federal Facilities Enforcement Office.

Fish Advisories Newsletter (May 2001 - present) - News about the science, communication, and health issues related to fish advisories.

 Go Green! (July 2007 - present) - A monthly email with "what you can do" consumer information about activities, events, and environmental tips that everyone can use at home, at work, and in their communities.

Nonpoint Source News-Notes (March 1995 - present) - An occasional bulletin dealing with the condition of the water-related environment, the control of nonpoint sources of water pollution, and the ecosystem-driven management and restoration of watersheds.

PESP Update (Fall 1997 - present) - A periodical news brief on the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program.

Pipeline Exit EPA Disclaimer (Winter 1995 - present) - Focuses on a single wastewater topic and presents it in an easy-to-read format.

Records Management in the News (Dec 2005 - present) - A forum to provide information and report on progress in records and information management across the Agency.

Small Flows Quarterly Exit EPA Disclaimer (Winter 2000 - present) - Features news, technical, and educational articles about a variety of small community wastewater issues, including treatment technologies, regulations, and finance.

Small Business Ombudsman Update (Jan 1996 - present) - The Office of the Small Business Ombudsman serves as an effective conduit for small businesses to access EPA and facilitates communications between the small business community and the Agency.

Technology News and Trends (Jul 2002 - present) - A newsletter about soil, sediment, and ground-water characterization and remediation technologies.

Tribal Air (Apr 2001 - present) - A quarterly newsletter produced by EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.

Tribal Waste Journal (May 2002 - present) - From the Waste Management in Indian Country program, each issue features a different topic and include a kids section. Published annually, EPA's Tribal Waste Journal replaces the Native American Network newsletter.

Volunteer Monitor (Spring 1993 - present) - The national newsletter of volunteer water quality monitoring.

Water Talk (May 1997 - present) - Published quarterly by the U.S. EPA Region 10, Water Talk seeks to be a useful tool for those who protect water resources and ecosystems in communities of the Greater Pacific Northwest.

WaterNews (Jan 1998 - present) - A weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. EPA's Office of Water.

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Newsletters No Longer in Publication

Audit Policy Update (Apr 1996 - Spring 2001) - Published periodically for the Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance by its Office of Regulatory Enforcement. The Update is intended to provide information to the public and regulated communities regarding developments under the EPA Audit Policy.

Beach Currents (Fall 2003 & Winter 2005) - State and local beach health innovations & success stories.

CleanupNews (Winter 1998 - Feb 2007) - A quarterly published by the Office of Site Remediation Enforcement that highlights hazardous waste cleanup news, policy updates, court cases, technology, events, publications, and more.

Coastlines (Fall 1994 - Nov 2003) - A bi-monthly information about estuaries and near coastal waters from the National Estuary Program.

Contaminated Sediment News (Apr 1996 - Aug 2003) - A monthly review of recent journal articles, issues in the press, upcoming conferences, and other news.

EarthLink (Nov 1995 - Sep/Oct 2000) - A bi-monthly current awareness newsletter produced by UNEP-Infoterra/USA. EarthLink provides information on international environmental activities, publications and news of interest to EPA staff and other environment professionals.

Environmental Financial Advisory Board Newsletter (Mar 2001 - Mar 2005) - The EFAB provides advice to the Environmental Protection Agency's Administrator and Program Offices on "how to pay" questions for environmental protection.

Ground Water Currents (Sep 1992 - Apr 2002) - Developments in innovative groundwater treatment from the Technology Innovation Office of the U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.

Inside IAQ (Spring/Summer 1995 - Spring/Summer 2003) - Highlights indoor air quality (IAQ) research conducted by EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory's (NRMRL's) Indoor Environmental Management Branch (IEMB) and other parts of EPA's Office of Research and Development.

Oil Spill Program Update (Oct 1997 - Oct 2005) - Quarterly update of the activities of EPA's Oil Spill Program.

OPPT Tribal News (Sep 1998 - Summer/Fall 2004) - Environmental news for Indian tribes from the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.

Partners In Progress (Oct 1998 - Oct 2004) - An update on Federal facility cleanup and reuse.

RCRA Corrective Action News (Nov 1999 - Spring 2004) - Three issues available from the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.

RCRA/UST, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Reports (Nov 1991 - Mar 2004) - A monthly compilation of frequently asked regulatory questions for which EPA has provided answers and prepares them in a question and answer format.

Reusable News Newsletters (Spring 1994 - Spring 2003) - A collection of information from the U.S. EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.

SRF's UP (Summer 1999 - Summer 2002) - A quarterly newsletter about the the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs.

Tech Trends (Jul 1990 - Mar 2002; became Technology News and Trends) - A newsletter that provides descriptions and performance data for innovative source control technologies that have been applied in the field.

Water Quality Criteria and Standards Newsletter (Jan/Feb 1996 - Spring/Summer 2001) - A periodic newsletter about issues affecting water quality standards from the Office of Water's Office of Science and Technology.

Watershed Events (Summer 1994 - Spring 2001) For interested parties on the development and use of watershed protection approaches.

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Publication Sources

National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)

NSCEP, EPA's premiere publications resource, features more than 7,000 print publications and 26,000 digital titles, all of which are available free of charge to search and retrieve, download, print and/or order.

>> Search the NSCEP catalog

>> Order EPA publications online or by telephone at 1-800/490-9198.

Information Products Bulletin (IPB)

IPB presents information about products in the pipeline by EPA and some states. It provides one central access point on EPA's Web site to locate such information, and it identifies opportunities to provide comments and other feedback during the development of some of these products. IPB updates are provided every four months.

>> Learn more about the IPB

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