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GuaranteesThe World Bank Group Guarantee Instruments 1990- 2007
Regulatory and contractual risks have inhibited investments in many parts of the developing world. A core objective of the WBG has been to support flow of private investment for development; guarantees have been among the instruments used to pursue this objective. More »
climate change evaluationClimate Change and the World Bank Group
Climate change threatens to derail development, even as development pumps ever-greater quantities of carbon dioxide into an atmosphere already polluted with two centuries of Western emissions. The World Bank must confront these entangled threats in helping its clients to carve out a sustainable growth path. More »
Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2008: Shared Global Challenges
For the World Bank and its partners, the ever-present test is to deliver results-to lift people out of poverty and promote sustainable development. Achieving such success in any individual country is increasingly intertwined with making progress on shared global challenges.. More »
Using Knowledge to Improve Development Effectiveness
The World Bank has committed to becoming a "global knowledge bank", using knowledge to improve the effectiveness of its work. Two of the ways the Bank provides knowledge to its client countries are economic and sector work and nonlending technical assistance. More »
environment studyEnvironmental Sustainability: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support Decentralization in Client Countries
doing business evaluationTaking the Measure of the World Bank-IFC Doing Business Indicators The Welfare Impact of Rural Electrification: A Reassessment of the Costs and Benefits
Public Sector Reform: What Works and Why? World Bank Assistance to Agriculture in Africa
Using Training to Build Capacity for Development How to Build M&E Systems to Support Better Government

Development Results in Middle-Income Countries World Bank Assistance for Natural Disasters
A Decade of Action in Transport An Evaluation Update of the HIPC Initiative
The Development Potential of Regional Programs World Bank Assistance to the Financial Sector
Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) 2006 Assessing World Bank Support for Trade, 1987-2004
World Bank Support to Low-Income Countries Under Stress (LICUS) Pension Reforms and the Development of Pension Systems
2006 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) Improving the World Bank's Development Effectiveness
Water Management in Agriculture: Ten Years of World Bank Assistance, 1991-1994 World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven Development
World Bank Support for Primary Education Improving the Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Assistance

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