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Ayles Ice Shelf Breakup Viewed from Northwest Coastline

On August 13, 2005, almost the entire Ayles Ice Shelf calved from the northern edge of Ellesmere Island. This continues the trend of dramatic loss of these ice shelves over the past century, reducing the remaining ice shelves there from six to five. Since 1900, approximately 90% of the Ellesmere Island ice shelves have calved and floated away. There is insufficient new ice formation to replace the ice that has been lost. The Ayles calving event was the largest in at least the last 25 years; a total of 87.1 sq km (33.6 sq miles) of ice was lost in this event, of which the largest piece was 66.4 sq km (25.6 sq. miles) in area. This piece is equivalent in size to approximately 11,000 football fields or a little larger than the island of Manhattan.

Animation zooms to view the ice shelf as seen from the northwest coastline and sequences through the satellite images showing the ice shelf breakup. An  overlay shows the date and time, the region of interest and the area of the ice shelf broken.    Animation zooms to view the ice shelf as seen from the northwest coastline and sequences through the satellite images showing the ice shelf breakup. An overlay shows the date and time, the region of interest and the area of the ice shelf broken.
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Available formats:
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) Frames (Ayles WithOverlay)
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   4 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   24 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   16 MB
  640x360 (29.92 fps) MPEG-4   3 MB
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) Frames (Ayles WithOverlay)
  320x180     PNG           304 KB
  160x80       PNG           69 KB
  80x40         PNG           17 KB
  1920x1080 (59.94 fps) Frames (Ayles withOverlay)
How to play our movies

Animation zooms to view the ice shelf as seen from the northwest coastline and sequences through the satellite images showing the ice shelf breakup. An  overlay shows the date and time, the region of interest and the area of the ice shelf broken.    Animation zooms to view the ice shelf as seen from the northwest coastline and sequences through the satellite images showing the ice shelf breakup. An overlay shows the date and time, the region of interest and the area of the ice shelf broken.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Ayles WithOverlay) 1 GB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 4 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 24 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-4 16 MB
  640 x 360         MPEG-4 3 MB
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Ayles WithOverlay) 2 GB
  320 x 180         PNG     304 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       69 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       17 KB
  1920 x 1080     TIFF (Ayles withOverlay) 5 GB

This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.    This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.

Available formats:
  720x480 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   11 MB
  720x480 (29.97 fps) Frames (Ayles with Overlay)
  320x213     PNG           355 KB
  320x240 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   2 MB
  640x480 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   8 MB
  320x240 (29.97 fps) X-FLV       852 KB
How to play our movies

This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.    This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.

Available formats:
  720 x 480         MPEG-2 11 MB
  720 x 480         TIFF (Ayles with Overlay) 282 MB
  320 x 213         PNG     355 KB
  320 x 240         MPEG-1 2 MB
  640 x 480         MPEG-1 8 MB
  320 x 240         X-FLV 852 KB

The animation is identical to the first animation above but does not show the overlay that contains the date and the ice shelf locator.    The animation is identical to the first animation above but does not show the overlay that contains the date and the ice shelf locator.
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Available formats:
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) Frames (Ayles)
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   4 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   24 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   16 MB
  640x360 (29.92 fps) MPEG-4   3 MB
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) Frames (Ayles)
  320x180     PNG           304 KB
  1920x1080 (59.94 fps) Frames (Ayles)
How to play our movies

The animation is identical to the first animation above but does not show the overlay that contains the date and the ice shelf locator.    The animation is identical to the first animation above but does not show the overlay that contains the date and the ice shelf locator.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Ayles) 674 MB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 4 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 24 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-4 16 MB
  640 x 360         MPEG-4 3 MB
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Ayles) 1 GB
  320 x 180         PNG     304 KB
  1920 x 1080     TIFF (Ayles) 2 GB

This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.    This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.

Available formats:
  720x480 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   11 MB
  720x480 (29.97 fps) Frames (Ayles)
  320x213     PNG           356 KB
  320x240 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   2 MB
  640x480 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   8 MB
  320x240 (29.97 fps) X-FLV       844 KB
How to play our movies

This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.    This animation is identical to the above animation except that it has been reformatted to fit standard definition NTSC with a 4x3 aspect ratio.

Available formats:
  720 x 480         MPEG-2 11 MB
  720 x 480         TIFF (Ayles) 281 MB
  320 x 213         PNG     356 KB
  320 x 240         MPEG-1 2 MB
  640 x 480         MPEG-1 8 MB
  320 x 240         X-FLV 844 KB

Image of Ayles ice shelf on August 13, 2005 at time 00:55 GMT    Image of Ayles ice shelf on August 13, 2005 at time 00:55 GMT

Available formats:
  2560 x 1920     TIFF 4 MB
  320 x 240         PNG     397 KB

Image of Ayles ice shelf on August 14, 2005 at time 00:00 GMT.    Image of Ayles ice shelf on August 14, 2005 at time 00:00 GMT.

Available formats:
  2560 x 1920     TIFF 4 MB
  320 x 240         PNG     404 KB

Overlay containing the date, region of interest outline and ice shelf area.    Overlay containing the date, region of interest outline and ice shelf area.

Available formats:
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) Frames (Overlay)
  320x180     PNG           6 KB
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) Frames (Overlay)
  1920x1080 (59.94 fps) Frames (Overlay)
How to play our movies

Overlay containing the date, region of interest outline and ice shelf area.    Overlay containing the date, region of interest outline and ice shelf area.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF 57 MB
  320 x 180         PNG         6 KB
  1280 x 720       TIFF 114 MB
  1920 x 1080     TIFF 218 MB

Animation Number:3430
Animator:Cindy Starr (GST) (Lead)
Scientist:Luke Copland (University of Ottawa)
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:Aqua/MODIS (2005-08-13 to 2005-08-14)
 Terra/MODIS (2005-08-13 to 2005-08-14)
 Aqua/AMSR-E/Daily L3 6.25 km 89 GHz Brightness Temperature (Tb) (2005-01-26 to 2005-08-13 )
 Aqua/AMSR-E/Daily L3 12.5km Tb, Sea Ice Concentration, and Snow Depth (2005-01-26 to 2005-08-13 )
 Terra/MODIS/Land Surface Reflectance (2005-08-13 to 2005-08-14)
Goddard TV Tape:G2007-001HD -- NASA's HD Climate Change Resource Tape
DLESE >> Cryology
SVS >> Ice Shelf
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice >> Sea Ice Concentration
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice >> Sea Ice Motion
GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Snow/Ice >> Ice Motion
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio The Blue Marble Next Generation data is courtesy of Reto Stockli (NASA/GSFC).

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