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Boars Tusk near Rock Springs, Wyoming. Paintbrush on BLM-administered public lands near Rock Springs, Wyoming. Off highway vehicle on sand dunes east of Rock Springs, Wyoming. Wild horses on the Salt Wells Herd Management Area near Rock Springs, Wyoming. Oregon Buttes near Rock Springs, Wyoming.
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Rock Springs Field Office


The Green River Resource Management Plan (RMP) was completed in October 1997. Since then, four maintenance actions have been completed covering map corrections, establishing the Little Colorado Desert HMA modifying the lands available for community or industrial expansion, prohibiting linear facilities in the South Pass Historic Landscape and clarifying benefiting activities allowed in the Greater Red Creek ACEC.


  • Covers BLM-administered lands and minerals in portions of Sublette, Sweetwater Lincoln, Fremont and Uinta Counties in southwest Wyoming.
  • Covers approximately 3.6 million acres of public land surface and 3.5 million acres of federal mineral estate.
  • For livestock grazing administration, 78 allotments provide 318,647 AUMs
  • BLM administered public lands not specifically closed to leasing are available for oil and gas leasing, exploration, and development. Lands closed to leasing include lands within the Red Creek ACEC and portions of the Wind River Front.
  • Federal coal lands within the Coal Occurrence and Development potential area (about 422,000 acres) are open to further consideration for coal leasing and development.

Plan Decisions

Decisions made in the 1997 Green River RMP focused on the following categories:

  • Rangeland Management
  • Mineral Leasing, Oil and Gas, Coal
  • Recreational Uses
  • Wild and Scenic Rivers Recommendations
  • Wilderness Study Area Management
  • ACEC Designation
  • Habitat Management
  • Forest Management
  • Mineral Location
  • Cultural Values
  • Fire Management
  • Salable Minerals
  • Soil, Water and Air Management