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Southern Border Law Enforcement – Competitive

Program Description:

apdhiringViolence in Mexico and along the Southern border of the United States, largely related to the production, transportation, and distribution of illegal drugs, has steadily increased in recent years and shows no signs of abatement. These incidents of violence usually involve disputes between drug-trafficking organizations fighting to control this illicit narcotics market. The impact of this criminal activity, associated violence, and increasingly sophisticated weapons and equipment possessed by drug-trafficking organizations has put pressure on law enforcement to respond effectively.

The State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program: Combating Criminal Narcotics Activity Stemming from the Southern border of the United States under ARRA is designed to provide resources for hiring and retention of, and assistance and equipment to local law enforcement along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) in order to combat criminal narcotics activity stemming from the Southern border of the United States. The Albuquerque Police Department enjoys a good working relationship with the New Mexico Investigative Support Center, the Drug Enforcement Administration Council and the other designated HIDTA areas.

Funding Category: 

Narcotics job counter 

Public Safety 

Funding Allocated:


Local Recovery Projects:

Combating Criminal Narcotics Activity Stemming from the Southern Border


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