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Airport Improvement Program

Program Description:

takeoffThe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program was established to provide funding for Capital Projects at airports throughout the United States. This funding is critical to maintain infrastructure to support air transportation safety, capacity and security. Pursuit of ARRA Grants for our airport system furthers this national endeavor.

Funding requests have been submitted for two projects, one at the Albuquerque International Sunport (AIS) and the other at Double Eagle II (DEII) airport. $2,848,802 has been awarded in Recovery Act dollars for DEII. Total project total is $5,557,410. The City will be contacted after June 17, 2009 if funds are available for the Airfield Lighting Project at AIS.

Funding Category: 



Program Funding Allocated:


Local Recovery Projects:

Runway 4-22 & Taxiway A Reconstruction at DE II 

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