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VII. Collection Maintenance and Conservation

Dawn LightA. The Public Art Program shall have responsibility to document, maintain, conserve and when appropriate, restore Works of Art in the Albuquerque Public Art Collection. Stewardship of the Collection is a significant mandate of the Albuquerque Arts Board. When the Notice of Acceptance is issued and ownership of the Work of Art is transferred to the City, the Public Art Program shall protect the value, integrity and authenticity of the Work of Art, and shall comply with the Visual Artist=s Rights Act of 1990, Title 17, United States Code, as amended.

B. Maintenance and conservation are to be carried out by qualified Program consultants, who may also review proposals by Artists. During planning for a public art project, maintenance issues will be identified and addressed regarding the use of materials, fabrication techniques, structural engineering, foundation and site design,
and any other considerations related to longevity and durability. The conservation effort includes condition assessment reports of every Work of Art in the Collection, integrated with the Program data base and updated periodically.

C. Deaccession of a Work of Art - Deaccession is the complete removal of a Work of Art from the Collection and from public display. A Work of Art may require deaccessioning for the following reasons:

  1. Destruction, either by deterioration, vandalism, or accident, to such an extent that repairs or restoration are impractical or unfeasible.
  2. On-going maintenance has become impossible or is prohibitively expensive.
  3. Required changes by the City, at the site, will destroy the integrity of the Work because of its relationship to the site.

D. The procedures to deaccession a Work of Art will entail the following:

  1. Assessment by the Program Maintenance and Conservation consultants, working with appropriate City staff , and if possible the Artist, to identify the problems and determine possible solutions.
  2. Review by the Arts Board with a recommendation as to the action to be taken and subsequent approval by appropriate administration officials.
  3. Prior to the deaccessioning of a Work of Art, appropriate public notification will be made.

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