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16 - Emergency preparedness

Goal 2 - DCC 16 - The community is prepared to respond to emergencies, natural disasters, catastrophic acts and other events that threaten the health and safety of the public.

Albuquerque citizens are not very concerned about natural and human caused disasters and most are not personally prepared for any disaster. The Albuquerque Region's Tactical Interoperable Communications are slightly behind others in readiness.


Local Trend  LOCAL TREND:

The City of Albuquerque commissions a survey of Citizens' Perceptions of Community Conditions every other year. During the last two surveys, the same question was posed regarding concern over natural and human-caused disasters, and respondents’ level of preparedness, if any. Albuquerque residents are less concerned about natural disaster than human-caused disaster. Overall, they were less concerned in 2007 than in 2005. The majority of residents have taken no steps towards emergency preparedness, and even fewer were ready for any disaster in 2007 than were ready in 2005. The Tactical Interoperable Communications Scorecard was conducted only once, in 2007; therefore there is no local trend for this indicator.


Comparable survey data for peer Southwest cities disaster preparedness could not be found, as other communities are not asking their citizens these same questions, therefore the survey data cannot be compared with others. The Albuquerque region's Tactical Interoperable Communications Scorecard indicates that the Albuquerque region lags slightly behind others in the areas of emergency communication governance and standard operating procedures.

Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION:

Albuquerque citizens rated this Desired Community Condition as being important, and listed this condition as one in which little progress has been made. The rating of importance and lack of progress relative to importance was true for citizens from all walks of life, with no particular demographic group's opinion differing to a statistically significant degree.


Opportunity to



  Local Trend  LOCAL TREND IS:  Negative  Negative Local
  National Comparison  ALBUQUERQUE, COMPARED TO OTHERS, IS:  Worse     Negative Local
  Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION COMPARED TO DATA:  Matches   Positive Local

NOTE: For help in understanding this page, see Creating a Community Report Card.

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