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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 2 - Public Safety 15 - Safe homes for pets 15.2 Animal Enforcement, Compliance and Owner Responsibility
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15.2 Animal Enforcement, Compliance and Owner Responsibility

Goal 2 - DCC 15 - Indicator 15.2

This indicator is part of Safe homes for pets.

Indicator description:                                                           

This indicator notes six different measures of animal owner responsibility, community compliance and enforcement. Animal responsibility measures include the total number of spay/neuter procedures conducted by or contracted through the Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, the number of animals microchipped in compliance with the law, and the percent of live exits from the Albuquerque Animal Care Centers. Live exits include adoptions and animals which are returned to their owners. Animal enforcement and compliance includes the number of calls for service regarding barking dogs, allegations of abuse, the number of licenses sold to animal owners, and the number of citations issued by animal enforcement officers.

Indicator 15_2a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Animal ownership has many benefits to humans. Studies demonstrate that pet ownership can decrease blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and ease feelings of loneliness. Pets also increase opportunities for socialization, and exercise and outdoor activities. Along with the benefits of animal ownership, however, come responsibilities. Owners are responsible for the care and feeding of their pets, along with veterinary care. Pet ownership responsibilities also include obligations to the community, which include having pets spayed or neutered, implanted with a microchip to ensure the animal's safe return in case of runaway or lost pet, and the purchase of the appropriate licenses.


Indicator 15_2b

Data Source:
City of Albuquerque, FY/08 Performance Plan, Animal Welfare Department.

What can we tell from the data?

  • Each of the measures shows a positive local trend.
  • The number of spay/neuter procedures is up, as is the number of animals microchipped and the percent of live exits from the shelter.
  • Calls for service are up since FY/05 but down for FY/07, the number of licenses sold is up, and citations issued is up from FY/05, and stable since FY/06.


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