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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 2 - Public Safety
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Goal 2 - Public Safety

Citizens are safe, feel safe and secure, and have trust and shared responsibility for maintaining a safe environment.


DESIRED COMMUNITY CONDITION Local Trend National/ Regional Comparison Citizen Perception Compared to Data CONCLUSION: Opportunity to
11 - Residents are safe. Mixed Mixed Matches Continue to Improve
12 - Residents feel safe. Mixed Not Available Not Applicable Continue to Improve
13 - Safe travel on streets - Travel on city streets is safe. Positive Worse Matches Continue to Improve
14 - Work together for safety - Residents, businesses and public safety agencies work together for a safe community. Mixed Mixed Matches Continue to Improve
15 - Safe homes for pets - Domestic animals are responsibly cared for and provided safe and healthy home environments. Positive Similar Matches Celebrate
16 - Emergency Preparedness - The community is prepared to respond to emergencies, natural disasters, catastrophic acts and other events that threaten the health and safety of the public. Negative Worse Matches Improve


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