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How the City Will Use the APR

The APR sits at the pinnacle of the City of Albuquerque’s management and measurement system, which is designed to link community-developed goals with city government programs and performance.

  1. The process of setting goals begins with a Goals Forum in which citizens and representatives of community organizations discuss Desired Community Conditions and recommend Five-Year Goals to the Mayor and City Council.
  2. The Mayor and City Council then respond to the community by establishing Five-Year Goals and annual Priority Objectives connected to those Goals.
  3. The City government links these Desired Community Conditions to strategies and programs, undertaken by the City. As part of the budget process, departments recommend to the Administration and subsequently the City Council resource needs by Program Strategy by Goal. They also propose One-Year Objectives by Goal to be addressed in the upcoming budget year.
  4. City Departments and Divisions implement these programs and annual objectives set by the Mayor and City Council. Each service provider becomes accountable for making progress toward the Five-Year Goals and the Desired Community Conditions impacted by their services.  Program Strategies (broad approaches to goal achievement that aggregate department services with common purposes) and Priority Objectives (specific actions related to a strategy to be accomplished in the next fiscal year) help focus action to achieve the goals.
  5. Each function, program, or service is then linked to a Program Strategy, Desired Community Condition, and Goal. Department managers also develop outcome measures about their programs’ effect on community conditions.
  6. City performance is measured and reported. Operational and financial analyses, customer surveys, condition observations, and other research provide data about the quantity, efficiency, cost effectiveness, quality, and timeliness of the service so that perfor¬mance can be measured.
  7. Each city manager incorporates in his or her employee work plan (performance appraisal system) expectations and results that support the organizational objectives that are related to these Goals and Desired Community Conditions.
  8. The City of Albuquerque is a diverse, service organization, serving each resident and business in dozens of ways every day – from airports to zoos. Everything the City does is connected to one of these Goals and Desired Community Conditions. Each employee connects to these Goals and Desired Community Conditions. These Goals allow us to align ourselves to common purposes and focus on results that are important to our elected leaders, customers, our citizens, our constituents, our clients.

    Accountability for results is our ultimate goal. This system is designed to assure that Albuquerque city government is responsive to the community and that City services are oriented to desired results. The IPC deserves great credit and appreciation for helping the City understand why we’re in the businesses we’re in, and if we are succeeding in advancing the community we serve.

    Ed Adams, P.E.

    Chief Administrative Officer

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