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Benefits of Mediation


Mediators will not disclose what is said in the mediation session. The only exception is the signed, final agreement and certain legal requirements.


The mediators keep the lines of communication open, but do not make decisions about how the dispute should be resolved. Decision making power is reserved for the people affected by the outcome. The mediators do not impose their own views or solutions.


You choose whether you want to mediate. You can also choose to stop the mediation process at any time. You choose to reach an agreement.


Mediation occurs in a private environment. The participants decide who needs to be involved in the mediation.

Quick and Cost-Effective:

Mediation services are provided at no charge. Mediations can be scheduled within one to two weeks at locations and times that are convenient for you.


Mediation respects differences in opinions, beliefs and backgrounds.

It Works!

Because participants are involved in creating their own solution research shows people are more satisfied with the result and comply with the terms of the agreement.

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