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North 4th Street Rank III Corridor Plan

Update as of 2/24/09:

The plan was approved by the Environmental Planning Commission at their February meeting. The plan will now move to the City Council approval process.

The Plan

The City of Albuquerque proposes redeveloping 4th Street from Lomas Boulevard to Solar Road, a distance of four and one third miles.

The envisioned renaissance of 4th Street is a cohesive, integrated transit corridor that promotes:

  • Shopping
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Services

and recognizes and builds on existing and potential centers and activities.

The plan identifies and recommends a varied set of strategies and programs to make redevelopment possible through public and private investments and policies, as well as, public projects that reinvigorate 4th Street and surrounding areas. The strategies include:

  • Improve the business climate along North Fourth Street
  • Improve the physical appearance and infrastructure along 4th Street
  • Create a unifying vision for the North Valley
  • Tie neighborhoods together in a "main street"
  • Create a positive force North for Valley Redevelopment

Plan Contents

The contents of this plan include the following:

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