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Mayor's Message


Mayor Chavez -- Sustainable Albuquerque

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Dear Friends:

Sustainable energy is at the forefront of my administrative priorities, and I encourage policymakers and citizens to help lead our community in becoming a national model in energy conservation; development and adoption of leading edge technologies for conservation, transportation, and clean energy production; use of clean energy resources; and sustainable economic development.

Cities are large consumers of energy!

And while Albuquerque is no exception, it provides us with a unique opportunity to look critically at our day-to-day operations and policies and see where we can make changes that have a significant impact on resource conservation, the environment and economic development.

When we consider the problems caused by dependence on foreign oil, the increasing costs of fossil fuels, and the deterioration of our atmosphere from emissions that adversely affects our health and climate, there is simply no higher priority to our community’s well-being, both present and future, than to promote healthy, sustainable alternatives. Clearly, it is up to all of us to conserve where we are able, use alternative energy that does not pollute when possible, and to support the development of nonpolluting energy resources to ensure our future for generations to come.

I am committed to taking immediate steps. On March 1, 2006, following our Sustainable Energy Town Hall, I issued Executive Order No. 19, which requires all motor vehicle purchases by City government be of alternative fuel vehicles. My pledge to you as Albuquerque’s Mayor is to quickly enhance programs that are under way and initiate new ones that will make Albuquerque the sustainability leader that our fellow citizens expect us to be.

I am excited about the challenges ahead. Some of the solutions will most assuredly not be easy ones, but they will be ones that continue to make Albuquerque the very best place for us and for future generations.


Martin J. Chávez

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