USGS Groundwater Information

Branch of Geophysics

The Office of Groundwater, Branch of Geophysics (OGW BG) supports the USGS Water Discipline by providing technical support and guidance that fosters the appropriate use of surface and borehole geophysical methods for interdisciplinary earth science investigations and by advancing the development of geophysical characterization and monitoring methods through applied research and technology transfer activities.

Technical Support & Technology Transfer

 [Photo: USGS scientists conduct flowmeter logging during workshop.]

Applied Research

 [Photo: USGS scientists using computer during seismic survey.]
Ambient-Noise Seismic Method Technology Project

About the Branch

 [Photo: Graduate student conducting GPS and radar survey.]
Learn about Student Research Opportunities

Related Resources

 [Photo: Heat-pulse flowmeter]
Learn about Flowmeter Logging

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Aug-2009 15:45:35 EDT