< Back Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
Distance from the Sun (km)
(Semimajor axis of orbit)
57,909,175 108,208,930 149,597,890 227,936,640 778,412,020 1,426,725,400 2,870,972,200 4,498,252,900 5,906,380,000
Mean Equatorial Radius (km) 2,439.7
(0.3825 x Earth)
(0.9488 x Earth)
(1 x Earth's)
(0.5326 x Earth)
(11.209 x Earth)
(9.449 x Earth)
(4.007 x Earth)
(3.883 x Earth)
(0.180 x Earth)
Volume (km3) 6.08272 x 1010
(0.054 x Earth's)
9.284 x 1011
(0.88 x Earth's)
1.0832 x 1012
(1 x Earth's)
1.6314 X 1011
(0.150 x Earth)
1.4255 x 1015
(1316 x Earth)
8.2713 x 1014
(763.6 x Earth)
6.8330 x 1013
(63.1 x Earth)
6.2526 x 1013
(57.7 x Earth)
6.39 x 109
(0.0059 x Earth)
Mass (kg) 3.3022 x 1023 4.8685 x 1024 5.9737 x 1024 6.4185 x 1023 1.8987 x 1027 5.6851 x 1026 8.6849 x 1025 1.0244 x 1026 1.3 x 1022
Density (g/cm3) 5.427 5.24 5.515 3.94 1.33 0.70 1.30 1.76 2
Equatorial Surface Gravity (m/s2) 3.7 8.87 9.766 3.693 20.87 10.4* 8.43 10.71 0.81
Escape Velocity (km/h) 15,300 37,300 40,248 18,072 214,300 127,760 76,640 85,356 4,570
Rotation Period (Earth days) 58.646 -243 0.99726968 1.026 0.41354 0.44401 -0.7196 0.67125 -6.387
Orbit Period (Earth years) 0.241 0.615 1.0000174 1.8807 11.8565 29.4 84.02 164.79 247.92
Mean Orbit Velocity (km/h) 172,341 126,077 107,229 86,871 47,051 34,821 24,607 19,720 17,096
Orbit Eccentricity 0.20563069 .0068 0.01671022 .0934 .04839 .0541506 .047168 .00859 0.2488
Orbit Inclination to Ecliptic 3.39° 0.00005° 1.8° 1.305° 2.484° 0.770° 1.769° 17.14°
Inclination of Equator
to Orbit
177.3° 23.45° 25.19 3.12° 26.73° 97.86° 29.58° 119.61°
Surface Temperature
-173/427 462 -88/58 (min/max) -87 to -5 -233/-223
Major Atmospheric
Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Nitrogen, Oxygen Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon Hydrogen, Helium Hydrogen, Helium Hydrogen, Helium, Methane Hydrogen, Helium, Methane
Moons None None 1 moon 2 moons 62 moons 61 moons 27 moons 13 moons 3 moons
Rings No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Primary Source: Cox, Arthur, ed., Allen's Astrophysical Quantities, 4th ed., 2000, Springer-New York
Secondary Source: JPL Solar System Dynamics

Last Updated: 26 Aug 2009