Central Plains Region, Kansas City

For Educators and Students

Supporting, assisting, and encouraging the use of primary source materials in the classroom is an important part of our mission. We encourage school districts and educators in our area to make use of our free resources listed below.

Please contact Lori Cox-Paul, Education Specialist, (816) 268-8017, for additional information or to schedule any of the programs listed below.

Hands-On History Activities

Have your students explore primary source documents in a hands-on research activity using resources of the National Archives. Programs can be created based on the current unit of study you are in.

Popular topics for hands-on research experiences include:

  • Immigration,
  • Westward Expansion,
  • World War I,
  • The Great Depression, and
  • World War II.

"Hands-On History" activities may be scheduled either at the Archives or in your classroom. If you would like more information or to schedule a "Hands-On History" research experience, please
call Lori Cox-Paul at (816) 268-8017 or e-mail at

CD New CD-ROM Product Available
Check out our newest product for educators! The CD-ROM includes original documents, teacher notes, suggested activities, and analysis worksheets. All free!

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272