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EPA RIN Moderated Transaction System Overview

EPA hosted a webinar on February 25, 2009 to introduce a new system to manage Renewable Identification Number (RIN) transactions. The purpose of the webinar was to explain concepts for the new RIN EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS) and to solicit feedback from the regulated industry.

The webinar presentations files are available for public download, these are the same slides that you will see on the below webinars:

The webinar presentations with audio, which were re-recorded, are available for public download:

Note: Please first check with your IT staff with respect to adjusting your security settings. If you are allowed, then follow these steps to run these files:
  1. Download this presentation file to your local computer.
  2. If you have certain content blocked, allow the executable (.exe) to run.
  3. If you have a high security level, enable your browser to allow blocked content.
  4. If you have blocked pop-ups then you will not be automatically directed to the Web Conferencing Playback software.
  5. If you have blocked pop-ups, hold the control (Ctrl) key to enable the pop-up.
  6. If you have a high security level, please enable your browser to allow blocked content.

EPA encourages interested stakeholders who were unable to attend the webinar to download the presentations.

Instructions for providing comments to EPA.

If you have any questions or problems, please call the EPA Fuels Programs support line at 202-343-9755.

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