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While you're looking out for your patients' lives, the National Medical Association is looking out for your livelihood. Now, more than ever, NMA needs you to be part of its collective strength.
The Journal of the National Medical Association has been published monthly since its inception in 1909 with special emphasis placed on the application of medical science to improve health care.

Patients and Public
This section is designed to educate patients and the public about various diseases and conditions affecting patients.
Cobb Institute
The W. Montague Cobb/NMA Health Institute develops, evaluates, and implements strategies to promote wellness and eliminate health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.

2009 Scientific Assembly Certificates of Attendance
Attendees to the 2009 National Medical Association Scientific Assembly held July 25 - 29, 2009 in Las Vegas Nevada may now print their certificates of attendance online. To obtain credit and complete your activity evaluations please click here.

2010 Convention and Scientific Assembly
Join us in Orlando, Florida for the 2010 Scientific Assembly from July 31, 2010 through August 4, 2010.

Mission of the NMA
To advance the art and science of medicine for people of African descent through education, advocacy, and health policy to promote health and wellness, eliminate health disparities, and sustain physician viability.


The House of Delegates
Any active member of the Association is eligible to serve on a council or a special committee. Membership on reference committees is restricted to delegates. Membership on the Judicial Council is restricted to active members who hold no other office in the organization, at any level, and who are not members of the House of Delegates.


National Programs
For over 30 years, the Association has participated in a wide variety of externally funded projects. Our programs, funded by federal, state and local governments, private foundations, pharmaceutical companies, and private corporations range from topics such as Asthma, Black Bag Mentoring Program and Clinical Trials, to Immunization and TEA Talk©.

Select the link below to view The Debilitator Film
NMA Observes World Aids Day
View The Debilitator Film


Featured Events

The President's Letter

NMA Concensus Panel Report
"NMA Consensus Panel Report Cancer in Minorities and the Underserved"

cancer09conv.JPGClick here to download the complete report

The National Medical Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education to physicians.

Register for the online CME course

From its inception, the NMA has focused on healthcare issues involving equal patient access to high quality medical treatment, and the availability to patients of highly competent physicians of African descent.