Table 4. Median years of tenure with current employer for employed wage and salary workers 25 years and over by educational attainment, sex, and age, January 2008

   Table 4.  Median years of tenure with current employer for employed wage and salary workers 25 years
   and over by educational attainment, sex, and age, January 2008
                                                               25 years and over                        
     Educational attainment and sex                                                                     
                                          Total    25 to 34   35 to 44   45 to 54   55 to 64   65 years 
                                                     years      years      years      years    and over 
       Total..........................     5.1        2.7        4.9        7.6        9.9       10.2   
   Less than a high school diploma....     4.0        2.6        3.7        4.8        8.9        8.3   
   High school graduates, no college..     5.4        2.8        4.9        7.8       10.0       10.3   
   Some college, no degree............     4.9        2.7        4.6        7.6        9.2       10.2   
   Associate degree...................     5.2        2.9        5.0        7.8        9.8       10.3   
   College graduates..................     5.3        2.7        5.5        8.2       10.4       10.4   
     Bachelor's degree................     5.0        2.6        5.5        8.2       10.1       10.3   
     Master's degree..................     5.9        3.0        5.5        8.5       10.3       10.3   
     Doctoral or professional degree..     6.1        2.0        5.1        7.9       15.2       15.8   
       Men............................     5.2        2.8        5.2        8.2       10.1       10.4   
   Less than a high school diploma....     4.1        2.8        3.9        5.1        9.6        8.4   
   High school graduates, no college..     5.5        2.8        5.4        8.4       10.4       10.9   
   Some college, no degree............     5.0        2.9        4.7        8.9        9.3       11.6   
   Associate degree...................     5.6        3.1        6.1        9.3       10.1       10.0   
   College graduates..................     5.5        2.8        5.6        8.7       10.4       12.5   
     Bachelor's degree................     5.3        2.7        5.8        9.5       10.1       10.3   
     Master's degree..................     5.9        3.2        5.1        7.9        9.7       10.4   
     Doctoral or professional degree..     6.7        2.2        5.4        7.9       16.3       18.8   
       Women..........................     4.9        2.6        4.7        7.0        9.8        9.9   
   Less than a high school diploma....     3.8        2.2        3.5        4.3        7.7        8.3   
   High school graduates, no college..     5.3        2.7        4.3        7.1        9.7       10.0   
   Some college, no degree............     4.7        2.4        4.5        6.8        9.1        9.8   
   Associate degree...................     4.9        2.9        4.6        7.0        9.5       10.8   
   College graduates..................     5.0        2.6        5.4        7.8       10.3       10.1   
     Bachelor's degree................     4.8        2.5        5.2        7.4       10.2       10.2   
     Master's degree..................     6.0        2.8        6.2        9.4       11.3        9.9   
     Doctoral or professional degree..     4.6        1.9        4.4        7.7       10.3        7.2   

       NOTE:  Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: September 26, 2008