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Judicious Use of Antimicrobials

The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), as a part of its Food Safety Initiative (FSI) Education Program, is developing products about the Judicious Use of antimicrobials in food producing animals.

Judicious Use of therapeutic antimicrobials is an integral part of good veterinary practice. It is an approach to maximize therapeutic efficacy and minimize selection of resistant microorganisms.


Background Information


Judicious Use Videos

The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), produced two videos, "Keeping Up Our Guard" (for veterinarians) and "Safeguarding America's Health" (for livestock producers). Both videos were produced as a result of the President's Food Safety Initiative, which among other initiatives, specifically calls for programs to educate veterinarians and livestock producers about food safety.


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  • 240-276-9300
  • Center for Veterinary Medicine

    Communications Staff (CVM)

    Food and Drug Administration

    7519 Standish Place


    Rockville, MD 20855
